(Bonus Material From The Lucky One) Aurora and Stark

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Aurora grabbed the screwdriver, trying not to mess up on her science project. Stark watched his niece closely. He has no children of his own, yet, but he loves to help Aurora. She's practically a daughter to him. He thought he could never care so deeply about something. And then his little sister gave birth to a screaming baby and when he first laid eyes upon her, he knew the first thing was to keep her safe and not let anything hurt her.

Now here they are, ten years later. Aurora touched the little robot they had spent the weekend creating. She smiled as she backed up. 

"Done, Uncle Stark." She said with a huge smile.

He smiled back at the little girl beside him and checked it out. 

"Good job, Aurora." He said.

Not a few minutes later, Pepper and Susan came into the room. Susan carrying some papers and Pepper a clipboard. 

"Mommy!" Aurora said and ran to her with full speed. Susan held out her arms and Aurora jumped straight into them.

"Hi, my beautiful baby girl." Susan said, kissing her daughter's forehead.

Aurora struggled out of her arms and Susan put her down. Aurora quickly ran towards Tony and jumped onto his lap. Her long braid swung around her shoulder. 

"What is this?" Susan asked, staring at the robot.

"It's her science project." Tony said.

Aurora continued to smile.

"Uncle Stark helped me and now I get to present it on Tuesday." Aurora said.

"And we will all be there." Susan said.

Aurora smiled even bigger, happy that her family would be able to present something she had been making all weekend with her uncle. 


"Thank you, Tony. She loves you more than anyone." Susan said to her older brother. She was carrying Aurora in her arms after she had fallen asleep.

"It's no problem. She's like my little sidekick." Tony said.

He never really let on how much he cared about people, but with Aurora, it was different. She is his niece. He loved her to death.

"I better get her home. School tomorrow." Susan said.

"I will drop off the project at school Tuesday." Tony said.

"Maybe you should just pick her up in the morning that day. She would love it." Susan suggested.

Tony smiled, glad his sister had suggested the idea.

"I would love to do that." Tony said.

Susan hugged her brother and Tony gave Aurora a quick kiss on the head, before Susan opened the front door to the house and walked out.

Tony couldn't wait to see Aurora present at the science fair.


This isn't much, but it's something:) PLEASE GUYS! If YOU want an Imagine, please just ask me. Tell me what you want it to be about and the person you want. I love writing Imagines for people. You can either message me or comment:) I'm okay with either! I love you guys!!!

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