Short Imagines.2 || 5SOS

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Luke imagine

You meet Luke on the street on your way home from school. You're talking to him and he offers to walk you home, so you accept. When you get to your house, he kisses you and slips his number into your back pocket.

Ashton imagine

You selfharm. You go to a 5S0S meet and greet and he sees the scars on your wrist. He looks at you and kisses your wrist and says, "don't do this anymore, i love you." Then he pulls you in for a tight hug.

Michael imagine

Michael taking you to the beach. You walk with him in the shallow water as the waves hit your legs. He stops you and says, "look, the sun is setting." He wraps around your waist and he pulls you closer to him. You both watched the sunset together and spent the rest of the night watching the stars on the beach.

Calum imagine

Calum finds you sleeping on the couch at 1am. He picks you up, being careful not to wake you up, and carried you upstairs to your bed. He puts you under the covers and he gets in with you. He wraps his arms around your body and you had the most peaceful sleep you have ever gotten.



Hey everybody!!! This is another short imagine. I hope you like it. Long imagines coming soon. Vote and comment. Mkay bye. (*~*)


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