I tried to kill myself..A vampire saved me...I didn't want to be saved chapter #2

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I tried to kill myself..A vampire saved me..I didn't want to be saved.

Recap:"Who would you have to runaway from?"He growled.

(Jezebel's point of view still)

"My brother!" I screeched. I was looking for a way out of this place and strange people I don't know.But, before I could even think of a possible exit the boy whispered."You can't leave."

I was shocked this stranger couldn't tell me what to do not after the shit I was put through.I wan't staying without a fight."Well why the hell not?!?!"I screamed outraged.He just started at me.

The woman was the one who broke the silence."Because you are the witch's lost maiden." She said it fast and excited like she couldn't hold it in any longer.

I was so shocked I could feel the rage building inside me.I Mean the seem like nice people only nice CRAZY people.I mean I sorta believed in the supernatural but not for me I was screwed with Mike for the rest of my life well until they let me go and I kill myself.

"Well I'm not a witch first of all second I was trying to do something before you so rudely interfeared."I stated not caring if he knew he I was killing myself.

"Well you are a.."The woman started but was innterupted by the boy started to growl.It wasn't the kind of growl you hear a human imatating a animal it was animal then I saw his fangs and I gasped but didn't move.Well he was a vampire that's for sure maybe I could be a witch.But I'm not sure still.

While I was going on about this stuff I heard that the boy had stopped growling but barely.His fangs were still out and you could tell he was mad.

"A physical and sexual abusing brother is a bitch."I said it with no shame.

That's when he lost it.He ran so fast I almost didn't see him leave but he ran from the room and I heard crashing.I just stood I was used to my step brother break things all the time mostly over my head.(I know it sounds harsh.It was)The woman just put her head in her hands. Now I could see her features.Truly she was beautiful. She looks alot like me with out bruises or cuts.Long black hair,small nose,deep blue eyes,skinny,and it was like everypart of her had been blessed by angels.I mean I looked alot like her but I didn't glow like she did.I wasn't so much of a glow as her aura.

A few seconds later the boy walked in and leaned against the wall to the floor. "Abby you know what we must do."He stated. i was confused and very angry.I could feel something in me alomost opening in me giving me a high like feeling.

"I'm confused,and all I won't to do is go kill myself in peace." I pinched the bridge of my nose starting to worry if mike was looking near by."Your not going anywhere."the boy looked directly at me while he said this.

Ok well i tired to be nice.I looked around the room for somthing sharp.I saw a nice looking thing that reminded me of a knife Mike cut me with once after winning it in a poker bet.So I looked at the boy and truly he was F-I-N-E. He was wearing a Tight tank top that didn't leave much to the imagination of his eight pack abs.He had clean even features.Nice black hair emo style,Green eyes,And soft facial fetures. "Well bye then."I said.I darted for the knife getting it and slitting it across my throat before the woman could blink.I slowly faded into darkness thinking triumpth.I did it!

(Derek's pov)

I ran to her as she was falling and i was catching her.Holy shit she was killing herself.what am i going to do?Then something kicked in inside of Abby.Then she started shouting out directions."Lay her on the bed,put pressure on the wound,back up!"I did as she said wondering what we were going to do with this lost witch......and my obsession.

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