I tried to kill myself..A vampire saved me...I didn't want to be saved chapter #8

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Ok guys plz be my fan,vote,and comment,Oh if your b-day is nov 3rd mine is too so happy b-day!!!Oh btw happy halloween people!!

[Jezebel's pov]

I could hear Derek franticly tring to figure out what's happening from Abby but i couldn't concentrate on it.I could feel my face burning and at that moment I knew I wasn't going to die.

I stopped soon after that and I wiped my mouth and got up.Derek gasped. "What?" I gasped looking down at my blood stained clothes. "Your face." he said sounding like he saw a ghost for real. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and it was me except for....A beautiful,intricate,and unusal tatoo on my face.

(Derek's pov)

Holy shit.Her face has been marked.I should have known it was coming sooner or later.She is a goddess obviously. I loved her so much and the mark only enhanced the beauty if that's possible.

Oh goddess she must think she's dying.I need to get to her.

Sorry only had few mins to write.upload more tonite maybe!Happy halloween

I tried to kill myself..A vampire saved me...I didn't want to be savedWhere stories live. Discover now