chapter 4: You won't regret this! (Edited)

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Chapter 4: You won't regret this!

"Hey Marcel! What do you think of this dress?" Georgia asked for the 7th time. We've been to majority of the stores just trying to find the perfect dress for her for prom.

"That's nice Georgia! It just doesn't speak you out you know?" I said honestly.

"You're right. I'm heading to the next shop but if you want you can stay here." She said. Perfect! I'll get to prepare her surprise just in time.

"Sure." I called out and headed to the center of the mall where I was suppose to meet Harry, Charlie,Tristan, John, Sebastian, Nathan and Christian who brought the things I needed to ask Georgia to the prom. I prepared for this a long time ago but I was never sure on when I could ask her and now seems like the right time.

"Marcel!" I heard Harry call out.

"Hey Harry! Thanks for bringing this here!" I said giving my twin a hug.

"No problem Marcel! Anything to help my brother get a girl!" Harry said. I gave him one of the signs that read 'Will' and distributed the rest of the signs to his friends. I ran to the flower shop and Bought 3 bouquets of roses. One bouquet full of white since she loves those and the other two filled with red. I made a heart shape out of the red rose petals big enough for me to fit in and asked Harry to pick her up from the store. This was it.

Georgia's POV

I finally found the perfect dress for prom. As soon as I was done paying for it, I felt a hand grab mine and started walking out of the store. I looked up and saw Harry smiling sheepishly down at me.

"What's going on Harry?" I asked slightly getting scared of his actions.

"Nothing Rose. Just trust me." He said so I followed him to the center of the mall. When I was approaching the center, I swear my heart stopped at the sight. Marcel was standing in the center of a heart made of rose petals holing a bouquet of white roses. My favorite flowers!

"Marcel!" I gasped at the sight. Soon enough Harry and his friends stood there behind Marcel holding a sign with a word each. One said 'Will' another said 'you' Tristan's said 'go' John's said 'to' Sebastian's said 'Prom' and Marcel was holding a sign with an arrow pointing to himself an Nathan's had a question mark.

'Will you go to Prom with me? It read. He's asking me to Prom? Oh gosh! I saw Marcel pulling at his collar as if he was suffocating and he was acting so nervous it's so cute! I never really had a guy go through all this effort and trouble just to ask me to prom.

"YES!" I squealed and ran up to him and hugged him.

"Really?" Marcel asked shocked.

"Yes really Marcel." I said rolling my eyes then grinning.

"yes! Thank you so much Georgia Rose Smith! You won't regret this!" He said.

"I'll never regret going to prom with you!" I exclaimed. "Somebody's not happy about this..."

"Who?" He asked and I pointed to his back where a personnel was standing shaking his head side to side as if disapproving with the mess Marcel made. I just giggled at Marcel's scared expression.

"I'll clean this up sir." Marcel said.

"It's fine son, I'm happy she said yes but we never make another mess like this here got it?" He said and Marcel just nodded. Harry congratulated his brother and we all went to their house to celebrate with pizza and a movie night.

"Hey Marcel? Thank you for asking me to prom." I asked while cuddling up to him during titanic.

Marcel's POV

"Hey Marcel? Thank you for asking me to Prom." She asked, Should I tell her the truth? I got nothing to lose so anyway.

"Hey Georgia, I have to tell you something." I said looking away a bit shy.

"What is it Marcel?" She asked.

"I-" I said but her phone started ringing. So close. "Hold on Marcel I have to take this." She said before getting up and excusing herself. She came back a few minutes later.

"So who was that?" I asked.

"It was Austin." She said.

"oh." was all I said and not long after that she was sleeping. She looks so peaceful while sleeping so I decided I would carry her up to my room and make her sleep there.

"goodnight Georgia, Thanks for saying yes awhile ago, Sweet dreams." I said expecting her to be asleep.

"Hey Marcel?" She said.

"Go back to sleep Georgia, I'll bring you back to your house in the morning." I said.

"Pls. stay with me!" She whined. I chuckled and took my sweater off leaving me to sleep in my pants.

Georgia's POV

I saw Marcel pulling his sweater up and that's when I saw the six pack coming. woah woah wait, six pack?

"If you don't mind me asking, do you play any sport?" I asked amazed by his 6 pack.

"I- uh actually do kick boxing and martial arts." he mumbled blushing.

"Oh, anyways, goodnight Marcel." And with that I drifted off into sleep next to a boy who isn't Austin. And his shirtless.

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LetterSE (@lovinglouislips on twitter)

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