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((A/n: Welcome back!! You're allowed to be upset with me for it took forever and seven days to get going!! I've been working really hard on this but that doesn't excuse the long wait. So please, without further ado, enjoy!
Good to know tip; if I don't mention Hoodie's mask, then he's not wearing it.))

The sun was fading as it went down passed shedding trees, making them look black with the coming night. The horizon was a streak of orange showing the closest stars last rays before the light completely vanished for the day.

Underneath worn shoes leafs crunched in a satisfying way, the change of the season apparent. The busy summer had come and gone with many regrets, apologies and more. But that was then, before a little nuisance had stepped into their life. She was a blooming bundle of aggravation, making her Father annoyed whenever she could and even jealous at times. Silly, but it was true.

Jack huffed and took another sip of his beer as he walked, holding it in a loose grip at his side. He wasn't accustom to sharing, even as a child, and living alone for oh so long only increased his lack of compassion to take turns. It was his boyfriend after all, not hers. Jack took another swig.

She wasn't horrible company, and even once in a great while they could get along, but those moments would be spoiled the moment his stargazer entered the room. It wasn't his fault though, it's just that the little one always sought to show Jack that that was her daddy and not his.... Maybe not daddy, but the point got across.

Shaking his head he shouldered the body again as it began to slowly slip off. Now that there were two mouths full of sharp teeth to feed Jack had to do extra hunting, and it wasn't exactly the easiest given the area and the small girl Hoodie cared so much for. Jack refused to call it jealously, he just simply missed the attention his better half used to give him. All of it.

Walking on he ignored the cardboard digging in his back due to the backpack full of beer and body on his shoulder. Instead he focused on the cooling night and sounds that surrounded him, goodnight song's birds shared and crickets playing their soothing melody. Soon these sounds were accompanied with the rhythm of small feet dashing and crunching over sticks and dead leafs as they sprang through the gentle woods. Jack was familiar with the sound and sighed to himself, not disheartened but not uplifted either.

Walking on he heard the feet approached with a giggle before sweeping around him, hidden by the forest. Letting her go he waited then sure enough felt something snag at the body, trying to pull it off. Growling softly he warned her away, but Jack's advice was ignored by the small one. Tugging on it again Jack bore his teeth behind the mask. 'Leave it alone,' Jack hissed, turning to Abigail.

Abi huffed and glared away, her small figure only a few steps away. 'But I want fresh kill!' She whined in a gurgling tone.

Jack continued on and shouldered the body again. 'You know how it is, now go.'

'But Father,' she insisted again and walked beside him, sniffing their air every few seconds, a clear message to Jack that she was still eyeing up the body. He let it slide, deciding to only call her out if she yanked on it.

Abigail wasn't taking the new lifestyle to well, but was surprisingly putting up with it better then expected. Being raised with pray that still screamed in the middle of dinner then having it taken away in replacement of a cold, unmoving meal was well worth a reason to complain. Jack was only just, kinda sort of, proud of her for her adjustment to this drastic change. Only when he became a doctor did he force himself to live like this, and quickly discovered not as many people hated him or tried to kill him because of it. Because they simply didn't know, and paid no heed to someone eating from a bag rather then a corps on the many battle fields he's seen.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now