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((A/n; sorry it's taken me, again, forever and more. My sincerest of apologizes but, again, enjoy.))

The proxies had left silently before Abi could wake. Jack seen them off with words of parting and reassurance of success. Hoodie didn't leave till they shared a kiss that would have made any modest couple blush. They had done this behind closed doors as to not make the other two embarrassed. With one last hug and another I love you Jack let his better half go. He watched them from the porch as they disappeared into the foggy morning, so early the birds had yet to rise.

Retuning inside Jack went back to bed with a heavy heart, curling up with Abi for she fell asleep in their room again. It was uncommon for her to, but she was willing to sleep with Jack if only to have more time near Hoodie. Crawling into bed he found it hard to sleep, but once it came it left just as swiftly.

Slowly waking he came to with something pushing on his side. "Father,.. Father," Abi hummed tired.


"Did Dad leave?"

Jack sighed but still didn't move. "Mmhm."

"Did Toby and Masky leave to?"


There was a pause for Abi was thinking, in truth still waking up. "We're the only ones here then?"

Jack took another deep breath. He hoped this was not how today was going to go. "Uh-huh. Go play, let me sleep for a little longer."

There was another pause. Slowly Jack felt something lay on top of his side. "But,." Abi muttered. "I don't want to be alone,.."

Groaning Jack rolled over. Abi backed up just to flop down on his stomach, startling Jack but in the end making him grumble silently. Reaching down he began to pet the little girl slowly. Tilting her head to him Abi hummed softly.

The sun filtered in through the dirty window, gentle and dreamy. The house was quiet, the wind hardly blew pass. The hallways abandoned, the kitchen empty. It looked lonely. Outside the birds sang but were muffled by walls. Half an hour passed like this, the two cannibals enjoying the calming morning together.

Patting her back Jack got up with a sigh. Sitting up Abi watching him get off the bed and grab some clothes. Crawled off the bed herself she followed him out the bedroom door, curious why he didn't put the clothes on just yet. Walking to the bathroom she understood.



"Are you taking a bath?"

Ducking in Jack set the clean clothes on the counter. "No."

"Are you taking a shower?"


Abi stood in the doorway as Jack turned the shower on and organized the room to his likings. She fumbled with the edge of the doorframe a moment. "..can I take a shower?"

Jack checked to see how hot the water was, holding his hand underneath it before adjusting the knob. "After. If you want."

Abi shook her head back and fourth. "No. With you."

Jack did not hesitate. "No." He wouldn't tell Hoodie but was growing to hate the title Father. Besides, it'd be weird to shower with the little cannibal. Jack didn't even shower with Hoodie. Now Hoodie showering with Jack was a different story, but still the organ eater did not see cleaning time as social time.

"But why not," Abi whined and huffed, dropping her hands in protest.

Doing his best to hide his irritation Jack stood up. "Because no."

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now