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Walking next to each other Jack hide deep in his hood, every so often pulling it up more to cover his face. He had wanted to wear his mask but Hoodie had a point, it would be more eye catching and unnerving to see a blue mask deep within a hood rather then a shadowed face. But he was still anxious.

When they first had stepped into the mall Jack almost stopped dead in his tracks, truthfully scared to the point of shaking. It didn't help that it was a mall full of humans this time. It was later in the afternoon, when less people would show and the stores weren't as busy. Plus with the deep hood nobody would see him. Nobody would think twice about somebody in a hood who was staying glued to another man's side. This helped Jack calm some, and so with more coaxing and cooing Hoodie eventually pulled Jack in, holding his gloved hand for reassurance and to be sure Jack wouldn't flee.

They had taken a personal trip with a list of things they need to buy for everyone. Hoodie was determined to find everything on their list and at the same time make sure Jack left the huge building laughing.

Wandering into a bed store Hoodie walked slow, holding on to Jack's hand which was at a constant death squeeze. It hurt, but if he said anything Jack would feel bad which was the opposite of his goal. Jack hummed next to him, redeeming his death squeeze and allowing him to see better and more constantly.

"What kind of bed do you like?" Hoodie asked pausing to stare at one.

"One that has you in it," Jack flirted innocently, making Hoodie grin widely and hold his snicker.

"Well aren't you just the charmer," the proxy informed and went on. "What exactly was on the list again?"

The cannibal rolled his false eyes. He knew Hoodie was only asking to distract him from his fears. He was thankful all the same. "Abi wants a new dress, picked by you. And new toys though I think she has plenty. Toby wants new carving knifes, he needs new shoes and probably new clothes. Tim wants more clothes, new I should say. He also wants notebooks, more durable and lasting. Pens, but we can get those somewhere else.," Jack continued to rattle off Masky's long list of wants and needs, making it clear which was which. His voice was soft, hidden.

Stopping at the end of a bed Hoodie let go of Jack's hand and pushed down on the blankets to feel it. He rolled his eyes in turn at Masky's list, that proxy really just has to do his own shopping. But it was convenient that they were already going plus it was his retune for watching Abi. She's been snappy lately and nobody could figure out why. Jack shrugged and called it a normal thing, the way human kids can sometimes get snippy. Hoodie really owed Masky, she was being a handful. More then usual.

"Okay okay, we'll start off simple then. With a bed."

Jack smirked. "I've lived with you for how long and only now are we getting a bed to fit us both?"

"A little more then two years I think? Abi's been around for, oh jeez I don't know. A long time it seems. I was leaving you to keep track of time, you remember all our anniversaries and so."

"Time is a human invention don't expect me to keep close track on it."

"Doesn't mean I will," Hoodie sang before strolling away.

Walking to another aisle Hoodie tested the beds by pressing against them, taking a seat, or merely gazing at the sizes. Jack followed behind, silent but close. He listened and watched to the handful others talking, walking, or browsing the store. The more they walked in the quieter it got, the outside chatter dying down between the walls.

"What do you think about this one?" Hoodie asked, taking the cannibal's attention back. He didn't even bother looking but shrugged anyways.

"You got to be kidding me," Hoodie deadpanned.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now