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Jack was patently reluctant to give Hoodie up.

Toby could see this. Masky was aware. Abigail wasn't happy.

Because of his desire to keep the once reclusive proxy to his lonesome himself, by either going on long, time consuming walks or reading behind a locked door, the small cannibal grew aggravatingly mad at Father. She was just as needy for Hoodie's attention as Jack is.

Something about Hoodie made cannibal's love him. Maybe not all of them, but the two he cared for adored bathing in his affection. They returned this adoration like any child or lover would; through passionate kisses and sweet hugs, flirtatious jokes and silly games that always ended in laughter. He was undoubtably grateful for them and loved both of them with his whole being and soul.

Hoodie had wished and hoped more then once his friends would find someone who would cherished them as much as Jack and he loved each other. He would not press the other two into any relationships that they did not want or desire to search for.

From his stance Hoodie could tell both Masky and Toby were always kept deeply content with Jack and Abi's company. They both were helping raise the small cannibal after all, so she often showed them appreciation and trust.

Jack's company always kept Toby plotting new ways to make the organ eater laugh and also had him in a constant healthy physical form. Jack's medical has kept Toby in prime condition no matter how awful the mission had been. Masky and he had shared many an intellectual conversation which learned the proxy many a story about history. He enjoyed those talks greatly, so he and Jack had many chats. For all it was worth Hoodie was happy. Though Abi, especially at the moment, not as much.

The little girl stormed back and fourth across the living room, her snow and cerulean dress rustling as she moved. Her little arms were crossed, a glare occupied her gray face. She had tried and tried to get Dad to pay attention to her, to play with her, but it was hopeless. Currently her parents were in their room, reading.

Reading, Abi scuffed. Reading was for losers ((a/n: Me.)) and for people that had nothing better to do. She couldn't read, and didn't want to learn anyways. What she wanted was a bath. She felt dreadful, her hair felt frizzy and everywhere, her skin felt like it was crawling with germs.

But Toby was away doing something, and Masky was sitting the table gathering information for the newest assignment. She didn't want to bother him, and honestly only liked getting baths from Hoodie.

He made them fun, he knew how she liked to have her hair rinsed and brushed. He understood how sensitive she was and needed to be given the most gentle of things when bathing. Like extremely soft bristled brushes that ran through her thick locks like a massage after her hair was combed through. And warm fluffy towels just pulled out of the dryer to give her once she got out. How hot the water need not be and how she would not get in the water if it still ran or if bubbles were added. Abi didn't like the sensation of bubbles and soap and how it made her feel slimy.

All she wanted was a bath, but Dad was to busy with Father reading.

Snorting the small cannibal stomped, upset and ignored. An idea came to her, at first she rejected it. She already felt dirty, no need to be even more. But,.

Smiling a sharp tooth grin Abi flew out the front door. Charging into the woods she searched for a puddle, something that would do the job.

The air was cold and made the inside of her nose feel funny. Masky had reassured her that she didn't have to fear it snowing there for they lived in an area that did not get cold enough to produce it. The whole explanation hadn't made much sense to her, still really didn't, but Abi trust the proxy enough to take his word for it.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now