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"Dad!!!" Abi flung herself at Hoodie. He lost his breath at her sudden weight but smiled all the same. Pulling off his mask he picking her up twirled about, giving kisses and hugs.

"Oh dude!! My little song bird! I missed you! I missed you I missed you I missed you!"

Abi laughed and laughed, smiling like the sun. Snuggling against him she was reluctant the second he went to set her down. Giving in she beamed up at him as her bare feet touched the wood. Looking over she cried out in delight. "Toby! Masky!" Rushing over she gave them hugs and greetings. Masky couldn't help but laugh, it was nice for a change to retune to someone so happy to see them. Toby shook the little girl roughly and swung her around. Abi loved the play bathed in the attention.

Hoodie looked over to where Jack stood, sulking near the stairs. No doubt he knew what was coming. Noticing the floor the proxy didn't remember there being a stain there before. He hummed, just another thing to be explain. Turning back to Abi, leaving Jack ignored as punishment, Hoodie lost his smile. "What happen to your teeth!?!"

Abi blinked at him before raising her hand to her mouth. "Oh. I lost them."

Hoodie dropped to a knee and pushed her lips back. "You lost them? Abi you don't just lose teeth."

"Well they fell out," she stated in an almost sarcastic way. Two weeks and she already was tasting sarcasm. Jack had a lot of explaining to do. Shaking his head Hoodie couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Please tell me you have more then two sets of teeth?"

Abi tilted her head. "Huh?"

"Yeah,.. We sorta get an unlimited amount. Kinda like shark teeth, it just takes longer to regrow what's lost," Jack muttered, giving the reassurance if it would be received. He then sneezed which was followed by a groan of disgust. Hoodie held back a laugh, he must have his mask on. Hoodie's done that before, it can get really gross.

Planting a kiss on Abi's head he stood up. "Would you go help the two unpack?" He asked her sweetly. They had raced to the house fearful, not bothering with the bags.

"Yeah! But, Dad?"

Her sudden hesitant concerned him. "Yes dude?"

Dropping her gaze to the floor Abi messed with her dress. ".. Can I have a mask?"

What?! Why would she want one? What was going on around here?

"A mask," she repeated herself, her face flickering at the stairs. Looking over his shoulder Hoodie found Jack gone. Turning back to Abi he petted her.

"We'll talk."

Nodding Abi turned and ran out the house, her smile back on display. The other two had left. Masky knew whatever had been going on he wasn't going to hear the end of it, and neither was Jack.

It was amazing to be back, but this is not what Hoodie expected to come back to. Walking into his room he found Jack sitting on the bed blowing his nose, a garbage can on the floor overflowing with tissues. Jack doesn't get sick.

Crossing the room Hoodie took a seat next to him. "Just,.. Explain it from the beginning."

Jack hung his head. "I was really banking on you shooting me first, then asking questions after."

Hoodie rubbed his face. That was promising. It took a little bit before Jack started talking, thinking about how he wanted to begin the story and not completely enrage Hoodie, though it was hopeless at this point. Speaking clearly but lowly Jack told of each day and it's events. Hoodie didn't miss a beat, and when he was completely upset hid it away and when he was proud did not show it. First Jack had to explain everything before Hoodie would decide on how to react. That was until the events of the night before.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now