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Water gurgled down into sewage drains outside cold, cement walls. It's giggling rush loud though muffled by a cement and wire imprisonment. It rained. Sometimes thundered, making everything in the pound shrink in horror.

Abi's wailing the night before had silenced all the dogs. They dare not make a peep, only whining when the thunder sneered above. She was placed in her own separate cage but the few dogs in kennels near by cowered to the furthest corners. They were scared of her, and she of them. Abi didn't mind dogs, in fact was a dog person if it could be said, but nobody was happy given the situation.

She couldn't see. Between the rain, thunder, gushing water, whining dogs and her own fear Abi was more beast then girl. Since her first gasping breath after the strange metal collar-stick thing she was a hell bent whirlwind dressed in blue and gray. Nothing could get close to her without feeling her fury, either it be a bite or a kick or a slash. Even glancing at her a menacing growled was ignited, as though the teeth she had left could cut the mere wire holding her hostage and summon hell upon the pound. It made the workers fearful, as right they should be. But not just for the devil they kenneled, but for the possible mama bear in search of her cub. If the little monster was a hard horse to break, what would her parents be like? They wanted her gone, and Abi wanted nothing more then to be gone to. Going home, left alone. Abi couldn't care less if they merely opened her door and ran, she could find her way back. At least she thinks she could anyways.

But the metal mesh door was held fast with more then one lock. Abi couldn't really tear through wire, she imagines Father and Dad could easily but unfortunately she could not. So she sat storming and bearing her teeth from the back of her cage. She curled up so tightly into a ball that dark curtains of hair obscured her face, body seemed like a mousetrap in wait, black tears stained and smeared all down her hidden face and dried on the back of her hands, arms, dress. She was terrified, yet the rest of the pound viewed it as pure fury. There was no real difference between the two in such a predicament.

The entire night had been torture for the little girl. It had rained and rained and rained and though Abi loves mud puddles it took away all her vision. When it rained at the pound it did not sound the same as when it rained at home. The sound echoed between the walls. The dogs occasional barks and whines making Abi more uneasy. She has no idea what a pound is. So far, to her it was a place humans imprisoned dogs and also apparently little girls. If she got out she was letting all the dogs out to. But with sight completely cut off Abi relied on her other senses, and being talked about and poked at by the workers did not help. They asked questions to each other, made judgments and assumptions, sometimes snickered but for the most part reeked of fear. Not one word was spoken to Abi, as if they though she couldn't speak English. She could speak more languages then them, and she only knew two!

She hated them and wanted nothing more then to tear out their throats. But Father would be upset if she did that. If they attack her again though, nobody, not even Dad, could stop the killing spree she was three seconds away from doing. When they get near her cage Abi shakes, using everything in her to keep down and stay put. She longs to charge the wire fence door and tear at it till her hands bleed, she longs to tear through it and destroy whoever dare approached her. Holding all this rage and fear back was horrendously difficult, making her growl in fury instead. It tended to get the point across. Whoever approached her door quickly left, which was for now good enough. If they opened the door though she'd be a little happier.

Abi didn't sleep a wink the entire night. She was exhausted underneath all the other burning emotions. How desperately she wished to sleep but wouldn't dare drop her guard. Especially knowing that the humans could wonder in any second with more weird collar things or worse. Abi didn't want to think of what worse could be but knew it existed.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now