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Laying in bed Jack sighed deeply, taking in Hoodie's very apparent smell. They had opened the window but their smell still lingered strongly.

It would stay a while for Jack's nose, but with a little time it would disappear from Hoodie's which was more important. Abi never said anything about it, and it's not like she didn't know. The first time she heard them doing anything- which had been something- not only alerted Jack about how protective she is about Hoodie, but also learned her a valuable lesson about understand the situation before attacking.

Jack smiled against Hoodie's shoulder, both of them still tangled together and reluctant to get up. With careful hands the cannibal grazed over Hoodie's skin, pausing at each scar to trace over it. Toby had the most scars out of all of them, but Hoodie had managed to collect a handful himself.

Where Jack's head rested he could feel the edge of the tattered skin where Abi's aunt had torn into his better half. He had mended it the best he could and more, but didn't have the means to prevent any scaring. Not like Hoodie cared, who was just happy he didn't lose a finger, but it was still a large mark. It would peek out of the shirts he wore and if the hood was down seen with sweatshirts. Hoodie knew people were curious when he would go out in public but wouldn't mention anything of it, he didn't care either way. He wasn't going to explain a cannibal had attacked him. Probably a dog if he must. Jack left a kiss there, knowing the wound was still healing but had come a long way.

Something rolled across the ground, tumbling across the floor. Jack's ears twitched at the sudden sound but it faded to white noise and was forgotten.

Leaning back against him Hoodie played on his phone, looking into a distant location for an upcoming assignment. It wasn't too far away but enough to make all the proxies leave for a day or so. Jack has handled being alone with Abi, but would rather not if truth be told.

Another thing clinked across the floor, interrupting his thoughts. Furrowing his brow a moment Jack listened, this time not letting his mind wander to see what it could be. Peering past the proxy Jack stared at the door and waited, counting his slow breathes.

Five breaths later it sounded again, and this time he could see the thin white bands around the object like a puddles ripples as it rolled across the floor. Sure enough it was a pencil. As it tumbled in it bumped into the other two, all three of them flicked in from underneath the door.

Who would be rolling pencils into their room? If Toby wanted to bug them then perhaps, but he was playing with Abi. It could be Abi, but why would she,. If it's Abi, then she probably just wants Jack's attention and not Hoodie's. Would make sense, Hoodie was focused and the sound of a rolling pencil was soft enough to be ignored. But would she be doing this to annoy Jack, or does she need him? He couldn't read the situation.

Thinking it over for a moment Jack began to slip out of bed, first leaning over and giving Hoodie a kiss. If Abi just wants to annoy him then she'll run off, but if she needs him she'll stay but out of sight.

"Where are you going?" Hoodie first asked as Jack got up, then laughed as the cannibal fell to the floor. He landed in a heap, groaning lowly as a dull pain took over. "I don't think you should be getting up for a little longer my dear. What do you need, I'll get it," the proxy laughed and went to get up.

"No no, you have work to look into I'll be alight. I'm alright," Jack sighed and forced himself to his feet, he had stumbled on the sheets but was already sore. They would switch; sometimes Jack was on top, other times Hoodie. It depended who got aroused first and where they wanted to give or get the attention. It had been a long enough time for Jack to forget what it felt to receive instead of give, not that he was complaining. Just forgot the ache afterwords.

Mother Goose (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now