Chapter 7

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Brooke's Point of View

Pulling up to Justin's way too familiar house, I killed the engine once I was parked in his driveway and remained seated in my car because Justin still Jane arrived yet and well... I gave back my key.

Just staring at the house brought back so many memories, good and bad although even the bad ones I could maybe consider to be good. Sounds stupid but's true. I didn't look upon mine and Justin's relationship as a negative thing anymore. I didn't hate him for what he did to me, I don't think it was possible for me to hate him because I love him and that's the truth, but just because I still love him doesn't mean I'll go running back.

A light knock on my drivers window caused me to jump and snap my gaze away from the house and onto Justin who was stood in the dark beside my car.

"you coming in?" he mumbled, nodding his head in the direction of the house.

Nodding my head I quickly scurried out of the car and followed Justin into the house. Instantly I got that warm sense of comfort even though his house was so big it somehow felt homely to me.

"you can take your shoes off Brooke, stop being so polite all the time, do what you always use to, throw your bags down, kick your shoes off" Justin chuckled.

"that was you thank you very much!" I defended myself as I gracefully stepped out of my heels, now returning to my normal height, I also placed my bag on the floor gently.

"do you want anything to drink? I've still got that wine you like in the kitchen" Justin asked, throwing his coat over the staircase rail.

"oh, I can't drink i have to drive home" I shook my head.

"you can have one?" Justin bargained.

"okay, but just one" I warned, pointing my finger at Justin as he chuckled.

"hey, where's monster?" I asked.

"in the kitchen... You coming or what?" he rasped making my heart miss several beats. I nodded my head, biting my lip as I followed after him, into the kitchen.

Instantly I heard the pitter pater of paws as I squealed and bent down to the floor to pick up Monster who was much bigger to when I last saw him but he was still adorable.

"I think he missed his mummy" Justin mumbled from behind me. I looked around to see him standing closer to me than I thought, my back almost to his chest. My heart fluttered at the reference to me being his 'mummy', Justin knew it made me weak when he said it so he was clearly trying to win me back, not that he hasn't been trying the whole night.

"I missed him too" I whispered, not taking my eyes off of Justin, I needed to, I should, but I couldn't. I'd missed his eyes, they were always so warm and inviting, probably my favourite feature of his. I just missed them, and everything about Justin.

Justin smiled softly at me, lifting his hand and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I missed you too" he mumbled almost inaudibly.

"I missed you, as well" I admitted, instantly regretted it, pulling my gaze back from him I looked away.

"you did?" he asked, stepping closer to me.

"yeah, but that doesn't mean things can be fixed" I whispered placing monster on the floor who licked my bare leg before skipping away.

"I know, but it's a start" he mumbled. After I stayed silent he announced he was going to get the drinks.

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