Chapter 16

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Brooke's Point of View

I was woken up but small feather kisses being placed at the bad of my neck, leaving a soft tingling sensation. Smiling slightly, I placed my hands over Justin's which were wrapped around my stomach. I could feel Justin smile against the skin of my neck as he knew I was awake before he placed one last kiss on my neck.

"morning baby" he husked making goosebumps rise.

"good morning" I whispered, sinking into his body, holding him tightly.

"how'd you sleep?" he questioned.

"so good, I think I've missed this bed" I admitted, my back still squished against his chest.

"I've missed you being in this bed, together and I like that you still sleep on the same side of the bed.

"what do you expect? This is my side of the bed" I giggled, finally rolling around to face him. Monster then jumped onto the bed, crawling in-between us two, curling into my side.

"every time, I swear monster just doesn't want us to cuddle or be near each other, I think he's jealous" Justin groaned.

"leave my baby alone" I scowled playfully, petting Monster and kissing his head.

"I thought I was your baby" he raised an eyebrow.

"you are, and so is Monster" I giggled.

"but you get to have him all when I'm gone so at least move him so we can cuddle, before I go" He pulled his best puppy dog face.

"fine" I sighed, giving in as I lifted Monster up, placing him back on the floor before I shuffled into his warm body, my forehead resting against his chest.

"I love it when you wear my clothes" Justin sighed, running his hand down my sides and tugging at the end of his shirt I was wearing.

"why?" I asked.

"because you look cute and sexy in them and it tells everyone that you're mine" he rasped, pressing his lips to mine heavily.

"well I love wearing you're clothes because they remind me of you and I still have one of your hoodies at my house and I wasn't going to give it back to you because I wanted something to remember you by.

"you don't need anything like that anymore because you've got the real thing" he smiled, placing a kiss between my eyebrows.

"I still like it though" I giggled up at him.

"are you going to miss me when I go away?" Justin hushed, his breath hitting my lips.

"of course, so much" I whimpered, holding Justin even closer unable to think of when he leaves again.

"good because I'm going to miss you too, I just wish that you could come with me" Justin mumbled.

"me too but you're coming home so it's alright" I tried to compromise.

"i know I just miss you, a lot" he kissed the top of my head.

"what time does your flight leave today?" I asked softly.

"half twelve" he sighed.

"do you want me to take you to the airport?" I asked weakly, still not enjoying the conversation.

"if you want to" he kissed the top of my head once more.

"okay, well, I'm kinda hungry, do you want some breakfast?" I asked, sitting up in bed.

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