Chapter 9

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Brooke's Point of View

"I better go home, I suppose my parents are freaking out" I mumbled sitting up straight on the couch in Justin's living room.

"I guess" Justin sighed playing with my fingers in lap.

Standing up from the couch I shuffled over to the front door, slipping on my heels from last night, but luckily Justin had some clothes left of mine. Justin followed me to the door, hot on my tail before turning me around to face him.

"I'll text you later about our trip, but I'll probably pick you up at about nine" he smiled.

"I was thinking that maybe I should drive here because my dad might see you of you're outside, and then if I climb in the car it's just drama that we don't need" I explained.

"I didn't even think about that, okay but I'll still text you" he chuckled.

"thank you for having me" I giggled feeling as if me and Justin had gone back in time to when I didn't parky live with him and I would always have to leave.

"are we back at this? You don't have to say thank you, you're always welcome" he pressed his forehead to mine.

"okay, sorry" I giggled.

"have fun with your mum later, and the crew" I smiled.

"I will, I wish you were coming though" he pouted.

"in a few months I'll be stuck by your side again so don't worry" I giggled.

"I guess" he sighed again.

"I better go, see you later?" I checked.

"mm" Justin hummed. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him before pressing his lips to mine softly.

"bye, I love you" he mumbled against my lips.

"love you too" I giggled pecking his lips once again before opening the door and walking out, climbing into my car.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared about going back home because I was, heck I was terrified. I mean I haven't even looked at my phone since last night and my mum thought I was coming home so I can only imagine how many frantic texts I have on my phone.

I tried not to think of everything that happened, me and Justin getting back together... Kinda. But I knew that we were back on the road to getting back together, but if I thought about him to much I'd miss him and want to run back.

I just can believe I was stupid enough to believe that he actually cheated on me and not listen to him explain because yeah, we weren't at the happiest point in our relationship but we could have and would have gotten over it, but we didn't because I broke up with him over in theory nothing. I guess I'm just really happy we're working things out again. I just can't face my family about it just yet, like Justin said I'll wait until we're back from our trip and then I'll tell them I'm meeting up with him and it'll go from there. Of course my dad won't be happy with me seeing Justin, but then again when has he? And that hasn't stopped me before.

I had already arrived home so I knew it was now or never, I just had to face my parents I mean how hard could it be?

As soon as I opened the front door my mothers voice boomed through my eyes.

"Brooke Kelly where have you been?" she screeched.

"you had me worried all damn day! You don't text or call? You have a phone so why didn't you use it?" she snapped not allowing me to speak.

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