Chapter 14

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Brooke's Point of View

I was rudely awoken by somebody switching on my bright bedroom light, forcing me to wake up from my much needed sleep.

"what are you doing?" I hissed opening my eyes and sitting up, only to find my dad standing in the doorway, oh god.

"get downstairs now, I want to talk to you" he spoke dryly before turning on his heels an walking out of my room, shutting the door with a loud slam.

I could only imagine what he wanted to speak out, I knew it was Justin which meant I was in for a lecture about everything. And right now I really wasn't in the mood.

Sighing loudly, I threw the covers off of my body dramatically as I slumped out of bed, pulling a jumper and hugging it to my body before I stomped out of my room and downstairs, into the kitchen, knowing it's where my dad would be waiting. Although when I walked into the kitchen I was greeted with my dad, Charlie, Harry and Jack. Seriously what is this 'wake up Brooke and interrogate her morning'?

"what's going on and why did you feel the need to wake me up so early?" I yawned, acting like I didn't know why they had called me down.

"you know why Brooke stop acting dumb" Charlie rolled his eyes.

"okay, fine, I'm not going to lie but I still don't get why you have to talk to me about it because its really none of your business" I spoke clearly, shrugging my shoulders.

"it's none of our business?" my dad scoffed.

"it sure as hell is our business when you run off with some boy who broke your heart and you lie to us about it!" he continued, slapping his palm against the kitchen counter.

"you're all over reacting, mum knew where I was and the reason I didn't tell you was because I knew you would act like this!" I exclaimed.

"Brooke, we're acting like this because we care" Harry spoke, calmer than the others

"and I appreciate that you care but none of you understand what happened between me and Justin and you don't know what's going on right now so you can't say anything about me and Justin because you don't know anything!" I cried out.

"we know enough to know that he's no good for you" jack scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"and how did you reach that conclusion?" I asked, mimicking his actions and crossing my arms.

"he broke your heart, he left you for months on end on tour, you cried for months, is that enough for you to see?" Charlie piped up.

"it isn't his fault he left for tour! He didn't want to go, he ha to, it's different! And he didn't break my heart it was all a miss-understanding" I half explained.

"he still broke your heart" my dad spat.

"and I can't believe you lied! Again" my dad suddenly roared.

"I lied so I could figure thing out without having all four of you in my hair stressing me out" I screeched.

"I've told you time and time again that I do not like that boy" my dad clenched his jaw.

"that's nice to know" I spoke sarcastically.

"and I've called you down here to say thy I'm disappointed with you, for lying, for sneaking off, to go back to that boy-" my dad began.

"'that boy' has a name" I hissed.

"and I'm disappointed that you think he's good for you!" my dad finished his sentence, completely ignoring me.

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