Chapter 12

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Brooke's Point of View

Pulling the duvet up over my body more I turned on my side to look at Justin and see if he was awake. Due to the way we we're sleeping last night I turned around and my chest was pressed against his, as I could feel the steady beat of his heart through his chest.

I was in one of those moods where I didn't want to go back to sleep and I was sort of bored so I didn't want to be awake on my own so I there was only really one way to solve that... wake up Justin. I thought 'why not' to waking up Justin so I thought I would do it in a somewhat romantic way.

Leaning forward a little more, I pressed my lips to his, hoping that would be enough to wake him up, but nope he didn't even flinch damn. Just as I was about to pull my lips away from his, Justin took in a big breath before blowing raspberries on my lips. Instantly I squealed and jumped away, in shock, considering I thought he was asleep. Justin let out a loud raspy laugh as I whipped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"that was a nice way to wake up" Justin smiled, his eyes now fully awake.

"I'm always a nice thing to wake up to" I joked, sending him an over exaggerated wink.

"oh, yes baby, you are" he growled , squeezing my hip and pulling me back in closer.

"did you just wake up?" he asked.

"yeah and sorry for waking you up" I giggled innocently.

"babe, I don't care" he chuckled.

"good, because I'm not sorry" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"oh, you're not?" he raised an eyebrow up at me.

"nope" I popped the p, feeling all giddy just because it feels like it has been so long since me and Justin joked around like this. We've only had serious conversations and although they were needed and I loved just talking to him, one thing that I loved most about our relationship was that we could easily joke around with each other, and I guess the jokiness this morning made me feel as if our relationship was getting back to where it needed to be.

Justin let out another loud chuckle before pulling my body even closer to his, so my head was not placed in the crook of his neck, my arm wrapped over his torso as his hand pushed my top up slightly, exposing my hip bone as Justin placed his warm hand there, gently rubbing his thumb over the exposed skin, leaving goose bumps to rise over the surface of the skin.

"what do you think we would be doing right now, if we stayed together?" I wondered casually.

"right this minute?" he hummed, I nodded telling him to carry on.

"I think we would be back at home, curled up in bed, not hiding from everyone and monster would probably be crying because he can't get onto the bed and cuddle with us. And then for the rest of the day we'd probably laze about, watch a few films, maybe even make love" he rasped, looking up at the ceiling a warm smile on his face. Butterflies filled my stomach just at the fact he was probably right.

"Or who knows, we could be on some private holiday Island, sunbathing" he continued to wonder what we could be doing right now.

I couldn't help but smile at what he was saying; wishing it was true but then again I have to count myself lucky that I have him in my life at all.

"what do you think we'd be doing?" he asked.

"I'd be at work, complaining about how I want to be back at home, whilst you would be texting me every two seconds and sending me pictures of yourself and Monster telling me how much you miss me" I giggled.

"actually, yeah, that sounds more likely" he shook his head, smiling.

"what do you think will happen in the future?" I asked him, lifting my index finger up and tracing the tattoo's dedicated to me.

"how far in the future?" he questioned.

"I don't know... five years" I shrugged.

"in five years' time from today? I'd be twenty five, you'd be twenty four so we'd be married for sure, definitely, hopefully I'll be working on a new album after doing another one or two tours, with you coming with me, and you'd be pregnant, with our first child. Then knowing you you'd still be working hard, so when I come home you'd be complaining about how your feet hurt, so I'd ran us a bath, get you all relaxed before cooking some food, which you'd probably finish in a second knowing our little baby would be hungry. We'd be in a big new house that's ours" he trailed off.

"is that what you think would happen or you want to happen?" I wondered, still tracing my fingers along his several tattoo's.

"both, but if I have anything to do with it, it will happen" he chuckled.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see then" I whispered, pressing my lips to his chest leaving them to linger.

"I guess we will, even though I know it's going to happen" he rasped.

"I'm going to make some breakfast, do you want any?" I asked, sitting up in bed, tying my hair in a loose bun.

"I'll make some don't worry" he kissed my forehead already jumping out of bed and jogging over to the kitchen before I had a chance to protest.

Shaking my head with a smile in my face, I climbed out of bed also before walking over to the window, taking a hold of the jet black curtains I pulled them open immediately gasping as I saw what was stood in front of the hotel.

"Justin!" I screamed in panic although I was unable to move away from the window, although I was now in full view of the thousands of people gathering outside the hotel, flashing their camera's and screaming Justin's name. They found us.

"babe? What happened? Are you okay?" Justin panicked as he rushed back into bedroom.

"no, Justin, look" I panicked, not taking my eyes away from the window.

Justin quickly stuck by my side before his eyes widened and immediately pulled them closed once again, the bedroom filled with darkness once again.

"fuck" he cursed.

"i-I don't get how they found us" I stayed still.

"I don't know, but it'll fine, we just have to do what we did before, ignore them" he shrugged trying to convince both me and him.

"I know" I whispered, shaking my head and walking back over to the bed, perching on the end.

Justin walked over to me and crouched down in front of me, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled.

"it's not your fault" I shook my head placing my hands over his.

"it is, if I didn't have this lifestyle we would actually be able to leave" he shook his head.

"stop, okay? I don't care about that. I was just shocked because it's been a few months since ive had that many people following me, or us" I promised.

"let's just watch some tv" I shrugged, climbing back into bed.

"you watch tv and I'll go make breakfast, I'll be back in a minute babe" he promised, shooting me a weak smile.

Switching on the TV, I must admit, I wasn't at all surprised when I saw me and Justin were the first thing on.

"As we reported only a few days ago, Justin Bieber and ex-girlfriend Brooke Kelly have been spotted once again. After their secret dinner date back in their home town of LA, the couple decided to get away, taking a road trip. The couple stopped by on the outskirts of California Sunday night. The hotel the rumoured couple stayed at told us specially that Justin booked the room, requesting for a rose petal filled room, kitted out with candles. Turns out Justin really is trying to win back her heart, we think he's doing a great job. Although the couple tried to secretly get away, they have been spotted driving along the highway together. This is the first time in months we've seen Justin out and about after his open interview, telling the world about how he was to blame over the end of their year long relationship. All we're waiting for now is for a kiss to seal the deal. Tweet us what you think, should the cute couple reunite or not?" the overly commercial show host spoke directly to the camera.

"yes, because you know everything about my relationship don't you" I spoke under my breath sarcastically.

"what you watching?" Justin asked, his eyes focused on the tray in front of him, carrying it carefully.

"nothing" I shook my head quickly changing the channel, knowing that if Justin knew what I did just watch Justin would give me the same lecture he did when I used to listen to gossip shows.

"you sure?" he raised an eyebrow at me, placing the tray on the bedside table before rolling onto the bed, looking at me with a look as if to say 'I'm onto you'.

"yeah" I nodded my head.

"Brooke, I know you were watching one of those pathetic gossip channels" he mumbled, I stayed silent, not sure what I should respond.

"how many times do I have to say this to you baby? I don't want you watching those because people like that, in fact no, nobody determines our relationship and how we feel about each other, regardless of what people say and if people want us to get back together, we're going to what is right for us, and us only, nobody else matters, okay?" he took my hand in his, kissing my knuckle.

"I know, and I didn't purposely watch it, it was just on, I promise" I whimpered.

"I'm not mad baby" he whispered softly.

"good" I whispered back.

"what do you think your dad is going to say?" Justin raised his eyebrows in a look of fear.

"my mum would have spoken to him last night so he would already know about it, I'm sure he's mad, actually I know for a fact he is, but I'll deal with him when we get back" I waved my hand dismissively.

"well you've got me so don't worry" he promised, pecking my head before reaching over to grab the breakfast.

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