Chapter 15

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Brooke's Point of View

"so I'm gonna' take you out tonight" Justin rasped through the line making my body tingle, I giggled like a pathetic school girl unable to control her feelings.

"you are?" I squeaked adjusting the phone to my ear as I bit my lip gently, a broad smile on my face.

"mmm, we're going for dinner too, and you can't say no because I've already booked reservations" he said smugly into the phone as I could only imagine the smirk on his beautiful face.

"and why are we going to dinner this evening?" I questioned.

"because, you know I go back on tour tomorrow and I don't want to leave on a rubbish note, I'm going away for three months so I'm going to at least give you one last night where I treat you right before I disappear again" he mumbled into the phone.

"you go on tour... Tomorrow?" I pained, I mean I knew he was going soon but I didn't realise it was so soon.

"yeah" he whispered.

"oh" I whispered back.

"so I'll pick you up in a few hours? Say seven?" he asked, trying to change the topic of conversation.

"okay, sounds good, I'll call you later, i'm at work, remember?" I laughed lightly.

"I know, I just wanted to talk to you but I'll see you later babe, I love you" he chuckled lightly again.

"okay, I love you too, bye" I spoke into the phone before hanging up, placing my phone back on the desk in front of me.

Staring at the computer screen in front of me, I knew that I needed to get back to work but I couldn't focus and I guess I didn't want to... I can believe that Justin is really going back on tour tomorrow. Things are going great between us, we're happy, no we aren't back in a relationship yet but I can't help that wish we are simply because we're so happy with each other and that's what really matters. Over the past two weeks we've spent pretty much every day together, including our little trip, we haven't slept together dice our trip nor have I stayed at his house, simply because I didn't feel it was necessary considering we aren't in a relationship, but tonight I might give in just because I want to spend every moment with him that I can, just because I know it'll be the last for three months. Just the thought makes me want to throw up. After finally getting him back in my life I can't picture him not being in it for three months.

My dad still isn't happy about the idea of me and Justin being somewhat back together but I still don't care, and I shouldn't have to because as I said to him the most important thing should be if I'm happy, and I am so surely he should accept us but he doesn't. I guess me and Justin will have to face him when he gets back from tour, permanently.

Thankfully, the day was almost over so I didn't have to think about leaving Justin for three months... Or rather him leaving me.


I was finally let off work and making my way back home. I was looking forward tonight because it was yet another date and w hadn't seen each other a lot just because I've been at work a lot and it hard to explain to my dad berthing that I leave the house that I am seeing Justin, once again I just wish that he would be happy for me but u guess we just have to work on that. It's going to be another bitter sweet night just as it always it is the day before he leaves but I kit have to remember that he is staying back for good, just thee more months and he's home for good.

Stepping in to the house I walked straight into the kitchen, sitting down and resting my head on the counter in front of me.

"hard day?" mum chuckled.

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