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I wake up and head to Marcus's apartment. He opens the door and looks worried.

"What are you doing here" he asks

"Coming to see my lovely father" I joke. Macy's let's me in. When I walk around the apartment. I walk past the quest bedroom he walk I front of me.

"Come on let's go down to the kitchen and explain why are you here" Marcus says and pushes me towards the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen.

"What are you hiding" I says as I sit down.

"Nothing why would you think that" Marcus smirks.

"I will not ask again" I shout.

"I am not telling Andy way you need to take a shower. You smell" he jokes.

"I am really getting mad" I shout. Marcus just sits there and smirks. That annoys me even more. I stand up and push him. He falls back.

"I will not ask again" I shout while punching him in the jaw.

"Fine but you will be happy in a few weeks. I will be sorry for getting mad at me for hiding what I am hiding" Marcus says.

"Fine" i say and walk out the room.

I hear voices down stairs. Then footstep are heard coming up the stairs. A voice speaks.

"What are you hiding" then I realise it is Tobias. I want to run out and hug him so tight but I know I need to wait until the ceremony.

They walk down stairs. There is silence than shouting then a loud bump. The door finally closes.  I sigh. Marcus opens the door. He has a bruise on his cheek where his jaw is.

"What happened" I ask.

"Nothing" he says. He puts the ice bag I his hand on the bruise. " I am off to work. Will you be ok" he asks.

"Yeah" I say and he nods. Marcus really isn't a bad man.

Half and hour later Marcus goes off the work. I sit around all morning and then get bored. I clean the house. When Marcus comes home he is amazed but also annoyed a little.

"Wow the house is clean. Well done tris. Thanks but you need to rest not clean"

"Sorry I clean when I have noting to do" I says.

"Well let me see you back" he says. I show his my back." Your cuts are sealed  but they will be scars. Does it hurt to walk"

"Only on my side where he kicks me" I show him my massive bruise on my side.

"That will take a few months to get back together. Hey you could go to the dauntless headquarter and punch this and get you skill back and you strength" Marcus says.

"Doesn't Tobias go there" I says.

"Yea but he won't recognise you with you have a hold on. Oh that reminds me. Here's some money. Go and get down new clothes. Oh I would buy clothes that are the colours of what faction you might pick." He says

"I don't know what faction" I moan.

"Well you won't picked condor, you aren't honest enough. Amity will you type with am the love and peace. Erudite will not the place for you after what they did to you family. Abnegation and dauntless I think is 50 50." Marcus smirks he is not a mean man like Tobias said he was.

"Thanks" I says, I go and buy myself clothes. I buy grey and black.

When I come back Marcus has dinner ready. We eat and soon I go to bed.


The next morning I go to the market. I buy am apple and walk around all day around the city. I even walk to tris's grave where i said I would bot go to because I always cry there. Once again I cry.

"Hey four" I voice behind me says. I turn around and see Lauren. She smiles. I don't think. I am so upset i walk up to he and kiss her. She pushes me away.

"No you can't use me to make you better. That's why she left. She knew you were using her to make you happy" she says and walks away.

I stand there and realise she might be right. What if was using tris to make me happy. I can't love any one. I will go to the ceremony and pick dauntless. I will be with my friends but I promise I will never find anyone else to fall in love with. Tris is my one and only person I would to fall in love with and if they think I used tris to make me happy than I don't deserve love.

I walk home. Christina asks if I want to go to dauntless and practice fighting. I agree.

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