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The only way to tell Tobias is to show him. I sign.

"Tobias. I umm.... It would be a easier to show you" I says. I take my trouser off and my shirt off. I stand the in bra and underwear. There are bruises all over my body and the big one on my side but also the scars from the whipping.

"Wh......wh....who d.....did this." He stutters. Tears running down his face.

I look away. "Someone who took me after I apparently died. I was their cleaner and personally beating you. Don't worry. He didn't tape of touch me. The only time he says my body was the beating."I says.

"I... I want to hug and hold you so tight and protect you but I am afraid of hurting you now" he cries. I walk towards him. I outs my lips on his. He cups my head in his hands.

"You can. You would hurt me" I says.

"No you need to heal. So who was this. How was Marcus. Did he hurt you" Tobias suddenly pops up questions.

"I am not Saying who hurt me but Marcus was like a good father. He helped me heal and i believe what he said about beating you"

"What" Tobias sits me on the bed and kneels on the floor like a small child listening to a story. I smirk at this.

"Well you dot have to believe This but I do. Marcus knew you would choose Dauntless by the way you acted and what you said. You wear skinny and obviously would pass so he beat you to become strong and when someone oh chef you it would hurt because you knew what pain was." I says. Tobias stands up and look away.

"I believe him " he says. I smile. I jumps on him and he seems surprised
But catches me. I wrap and leg around his waist.

"I am so happy " I whisper in his ear. He try's not to hurt so he puts me down carefully.

"I have missed you" he says and we go to bed.

"I have missed you too" I whisper before I drift off to sleepy

The next morning I wake up and see an empty bed beside me. Then I hear a door close.

"Hey you're up" Tobias says coming into the bedroom. I rub my head.

"Yeah but I want stay sleeping" I say while getting of bedroom.

"You need get ready for training the initiates" Tobias throw me some clothes.

I get change and we walk down to the cafeteria. The initiates will be getting out of bed and they will be meeting is at the pit. I stand in the corner. I missed this faction.

Soon there are 40 boys and girls standing in front of me. Lauren, Tobias and Lynn are the other initiate instructors.

20 are  16 year olds who would of picked Dauntless anyway and the other 20 are people from outside the city or faction-less before the war and got a second chance to fit into an faction.

"The 16 years old will be with Me and six and the older lot are with Lynn and Lauren." Tobias says.

"Come on" Lynn says and the older lot follow Lauren.

"Can dauntless born stand to one side and transfers in the other" I says. The two groups are formed. Looking at the two groups it is easy to tell who is dauntless born with their tattoos.

"The will be two initiate classes. You guys and the old group. In those classes there will be two groups. You will be going those initiation like the other
group but will only be ranked with the other 16 year olds. Dauntless born go with Six and transfers with me." Tobias says. I lead the dauntless born to the other side of the pit. There are 12 of them so there is 8 transfers.

"You know I am tris  prior but call me six understood." I says and they all nod. "You know your way around here so I won't tour you around but I will show you your dorms." I say and lead them to their dorms. "You have the rest of the day off. Tomorrow meat in the training room at 8.00am" I Dias and walk out the forms and to the my apartment.

As I am walking downtown he corridor I se David heading toward me so
I turn around and walk in the other direction.

"Tris. You can escape" he walks faster. I want to run but I can't I am not a pansy-cake so stop and turn to him.

"What do you want" I say.

"Just wondering how dauntless is treating you" he smirks.

"Fine" I snap. He step towards
Me and touches my side. I wince back.

"Oh it still hurts" he smirks and full forces punches me in the stomach. Then walks away. I am sure he is drunk all the time to think that is fun. I fall to the ground and close my eyes. I lay there until I feel a pair of hands carrying me up.

I then hear people talking." I found her on the ground I don't know what condition she is in." The voice says. I recognise it. Peter. Then I am in a bed with my eyes still closed. Then every thing goes black.

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