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Name: Fallen
Age: 25 (older than most that he knows)
Weapon(s): Twin swords radiating tampered holy light.
Abilities: Super heated flames: As easy to know as the ability says, Fallen can call super heated flames to engulf his hands.
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: Fallen stands at 6ft tall, golden eyes peering out through black hair flowing slightly past his shoulders while the left side of his face and body are covered in burn marks and scars. The right side of his body also sports scars, all of which were obtained either in battle or during his years of torture. While he normally roams without a shirt, his skin never gains a tan. His wings span out to a full 20ft of pure black, though they don't appear to be useful in water he has proved once that they can be extremely useful for him whenever he needs them to be.
Race: Experimental Fallen angel/Vampire hybrid.
Personality: Fallen has a random personality, he can be nice and cheery at one moment but dead serious the next. Around his lover or friends he is a protective yet cheerful guy but whenever a threat arrives his mood is immediately changed.
Past: Fallen was created in a laboratory in the mountains of Australia. He was immediately thrown into a test with eleven other creations, they were each given a weapon of choice before being forced to not only survive against wave after wave of failed creations but to stand alone. Of course, the test being survival of the fittest was what none of them could truly understand. One of his fellow creations who would later be known as Blade, was about to be executed when another of the eleven killed the creature. The test was canceled and with him being the one with the highest score, he was deemed number one by their creators. He was given a choice, kill the eleventh or kill Blade. Without mercy he executed eleven, making each of the others fear him. Years later and he was 23, leading the other nine in missions against violent human and non human groups for their order.The number of members had grown greatly, leading them to becoming a small army. One day he was assigned a mission to visit the lab of one of the many scientific minds responsiblefor his creation where he was imprisoned with another hybrid, having fallen for the beauty whose name was Phoenix. He had no real name until that day, earning the name Fallen from the beauty. They soon became lovers and began a life together, bringing a child (which wasn't his) into the world together. Things grew dangerous however and he was forced to leave with no word, as he left though, the same order he had abandoned overwhelmed and captured him before taking him to a long abandoned underground prison. There he was killed and brought back to life, his body heavily damaged and his wings completely ripped from his body soon after he was tortured for the next two years. Phoenix found him after being tipped off by her father to find something for him, though she couldn't find what her father sought after she did find what she had been missing for years, her mate. They soon moved off, bringing yet another child that was their son Kyne. During a visit to her father's, Phoenix had decided to go on a nightly walk into the snow. Fallen was woken by his mate no longer being near him and so followed her scent outside in time to witness his mate fall through ice that she had not noticed, he tried his best to run to her but the snow slowed him down. His desire to rescue her tugged at the shadows around him until his new wings burst free from his back and he launched into the water after her, taking her within his arms before using his wings like large arms to launch them out and back to land where he wrapped his wings around them both to channel heat to her. Several months after that and the man and his wife began to sail the seas, meeting many friends in their travels.

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