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Name: Subject-E13CTR4, otherwise known as Electra.
Age: 18
Weapons: None. (For now.)
Abilities: Light regeneration, others to be thought of.
Sexuality: Bi
Looks: Image. (Yes, exactly like that since she hasn't grasped the idea of clothing. XD)
Race: Lab grown mixture of human and xenomorph dna.
Personality: Her personality is that of a true cold hearted bitch, the only kindness she ever shows is towards those that eventually break through her cold shell and her companion/bodyguard.
Past: Born in the deep confines of a remote laboratory, Electra was the first of what the human military thought could be the ultimate soldiers. Having finally captured a Xenomorph Queen after hundreds of years, the corporation began their experiments to combine whatever dna was within the xenomorphs with the dna of humans which resulted in several hundred failures which had to be disposed of. Finally when the project was about to be shut down the very last growth pod finished the growth of a young nine year old girl who was given the code E13CTR4 but was soon given the name Electra so that future experiments could go smoothly compared to previous failures, as the years went by she grew up as an exceptional student that even surpassed several top scientists with her intelligence. As she matured however, her xenomorph dna began to take over and she heard the voice of the Queen call to her for assistance. The Queen was not alone however, with her were several other xenomorphs that the scientists had created for spare dna. She broke free of her cell in the night, and having shed her quite human clothing from her body distracted any guard she came across before snapping each and every one of their necks until she finally reached the chamber that held the Queen. Unfortunately for her the controls to release the Queen were locked and had triggered an alarm across the whole lab which would no doubt result in attracting more armed personnel towards her, soon after the alarm was triggered she found a ventilation entry nearby which she immediately proceeded to pull open to no avail. She returned to the controls and began pushing every button in front of her, eventually growing frustrated enough to begin throwing herself at the heavily modified glass beside the controls. After a few moments of constant thudding against the glass she fell to the ground and curled into a ball as the voice of the Queen urged her on which eventually overwhelmed her mind, leaving her open for the security forces which soon stormed into the room with the lead scientist in tow. He commended her for her attempt but soon began to kick her violently, bruising her skin almost immediately. Something awakened within her soon after he had stopped, causing her to lash out rapidly even with her injuries. One young security member opened fire on her in an instant, several bullets scraping her skin or missing completely. Her blood flew free from one graze on her shoulder, slowly moving down her arm before dripping to the floor and beginning to eat away at the metal until it reached several large wires which caused a malfunction in the cell behind her. The Queen broke free easily, crashing through a nearby wall and smashing several smaller cells containing warrior drones that were in the process of growing to their larger Praetorian form. Within moments the warriors had made their way to her, cutting down or knocking out the security detail around her quickly. Several hours past and the entire lab was in the process of becoming a hive with humans captured and cocooned to walls all over the complex, the Queen had found a large open building within the area and had begun the production of her soon to be legion of eggs. Electra visited the Queen several times as the hive grew, communicating with her Queen and even teaching her how to speak similar to the very humans that had held her for do long which angered her immediately. Electra was soon banished, taking a recently full grown Warrior drone with her away from the lab. She stayed as she was while travelling, keeping to the wilderness with her companion who she soon named Mara. They avoided humans wherever they could, and eventually found a comfortable location to live in a remote castle located on the coast of Northern Europe. (Yep, Xenomorphs actually having a proper hive on earth and the corporation having performed experiments with them there.)

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