Kayleth, Howling Banshee.

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Name: Kayleth Lupercal
Age: 80
Species: Non corrupt Void elf.
Abilities: Mind war, Eldridge storm, Howl of the banshee, Fleet of foot, Webway jump, Wraithbone manipulation.
Gender: Female
Personality: Kayleth can be extremely insulting to those she dislikes, but she often tries to her best to provide what wisdom she can or kindness, her kindness is not to be mistaken for weakness however because when she gets into combat she will not show mercy or care for her opponent.
Appearance: Kayleth stands at 6'3 tall with an hourglass figure, large breasts and some muscle, her body is hugged by very light yet strong armour that easily shows off each curve of her body, her skin is fairly tanned and sports several small tattoos in the 'lost' language of the lost warrior clans that used to be her people. Her eyes glow a bright green, silver taking place where the whites of a humans eye would be. Slightly brightened red hair flowing down her back to her waist. The colour of her armour is a dull grey with small, red runes painted in certain positions.
Weapons: Twin swords that resonate focused superheated plasma into the blades in order to allow her to cut through the thickest armour known to man.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Past: Kayleth was born on board the Void Elf cityship in deep space, she was raised in one of the few bio-domes by a Void Elf caretaker. She has never met her mother (to her knowledge) or her father but whenever she mentioned her father, she saw sorrow across the faces of many of her kin. Upon reaching the human age of 20 she had not only mastered the difficult techniques of Void Elven combat but had also learned how to harness wraithbone, the main building construction material of her people. Forty years later and the Farseer of the Cityship who had taken her under her wing and trained her to become one of her personal bodyguards known as the Howling Banshees, upon completion of her training the Void Elves fell into a time of war against their dark kin before forcing the retreat of their dark kin. Once they had defeated their final opponents they began to travel back to a planet the oldest of them thought they would never see, their original home world however they were caught in a storm after encountering a second force of their dark kin which spit them out millennia in the past.

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