Vulkan Bloodtide

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Name: Vulkan Bloodtide.
Species: Bloodborn Werewolf.
Age: 28
Sexuality: Straight.
Appearance: Appears as a 7ft man with medium build. Long black hair with blazing red tips flowing below his shoulders wildly. When the moon calls or he is severely angered he shifts into a 11ft tall werewolf with a strong build, crimson fur coating most of his body. His eyes glow a slightly bright crimson in both forms. Whilst in werewolf form his skin is hardened similar to armour, his claws sharp enough to pierce light or medium armour with ease.
Past: Vulkan spent most of his life with his pack of origin in the mountains or Russia. He earned his name by the result of his first hunt, upon finding him the rest of his group noticed a nearby river flowing red with the blood of his kill. He became strong in the next two years and was seen as a growing threat by the alpha of the pack who was ruthless, rather than risk the lives of his family he decided to leave the pack and for the time being go rogue. While most of his pack mates saw him as a weak coward for leaving, his family could tell that he was no weakling nor a coward. His hopes are to one day return to his pack, freeing them from the ruthless alpha. Until then he searches for another pack to accept him and hopefully aid him in the eventual reclamation of his pack.

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