Erebus the traveler.

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Name: Erebus Nocturne.
Age: 23
Weapons: A single, large energy revolver of advanced technology designed and built in the shape of a large avian skull.
Abilities: When his power pack is fully functioning he is able to teleport great distances as well as travel through time and space. Other abilities he controls are fields of energy he can control to either shield himself and those nearby or push his foes away with mild amounts of damage varying from simple pain to minimum burns where the energy connected.
Sexuality: Straight.
Looks: Image shown.
Race: Human, of sorts.
Personality: Being a traveler of various timelines and universes, Erebus has grown accustomed to various personalities and so has often proven his personality adapts to his surroundings. An example would be if there was tension in the air he would act to either ease or completely rid the area of tension, though he isn't without his own temper.
Past: To be either explained in rp or once I can put together a decent background for him.

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