Argel Vrykan

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Name: Argel Vrykan.
Age: 1500
Weapons: His claws, Tail and teeth in his dragon-humanoid form.
Abilities: Various focused apocalyptic abilities from raining meteors to shifting the earth within a short distance around him. (Will try to keep them from being op.)
Sexuality: Straight.
Looks: Image is his three forms.
Race: Dragon Shifter.
Personality: Argel is commonly a cautious individual, trying to avoid harming others when he can however his temper is short and in a simple fit of rage he can be extremely dangerous to anyone around him.
Past: Argel was the first true offspring of a Dragon Shifter and human pairing, born on a farm in the outskirts of a large village he lived a commonly safe childhood until he lost his mother to an illness that swept over the land claiming a large percentage of the population. His father, though knowing what he was, did not know how to properly raise his son who by thirteen began to show signs of his true nature and form creeping along his skin as scales built up from his back moving outward. By fifteen he had grown his claws, wings and tail which caused fear within the villagers who commonly visited the farm for supplies. It wasn't long before a mob of warriors and scared citizens arrived at the farm, threatening he and his father into sending him into exile. The mob soon recieved their answer as he approached them, causing them all to step back even as he began heading straight towards the mountains. Fifteen years later he returned to the farm to find that it was gone and that only the grave of his mother remained, at the top of a hill in the direction of the village. By this time he had fully taken on his humanoid dragon form standing three full heads taller than humans and so when he entered the village he was met by screams from women and children while what few men were present in the village took up arms, surrounding him with axes, hammers and swords in their hands. The first of the men to lunge at him with a sword was stopped with a sudden whip of his tail which threw the man back and into a stack of hay, two more made an attempt to hit him from either side but were stopped when he caught each of their hammers in his hands. It was then that he announced that he desired to know what had become of his father to which several women suddenly began to sob for they understood who the large beast before them was, their fear was soon realized as others answered him plain and simple that the mob that forced him into exile burned his home to the ground later that night while his father slept. It was then that his true power awakened, the dark smoke of apocalyptic energy began building up around him with ever second until the first man to attack him tried once more, he was not met by a tail this time but by a sudden mass of earth blasting up and impaling him. What followed next was a slaughter, his powers unleashed across the whole village as the ground beneath buildings either collapsed of launched upwards and meteors began raining upon the unaffected areas with no end. After he had exterminated the village he returned to the mountains where he slept for several hundred years to find that the area he had destroyed was now a massive stone building caused him to feel utter rage, had he failed to end the existence of them all or did someone else arrive while he slept? He set out immediately for the large building and was met with men in metal clothing wielding blades and shields waiting for him at the gates, he tried to convince them to leave but when they denied him his rage boiled over once more for he did not understand that it had taken many years for them to settle. He punched and clawed his way through the first group of warriors before finally calling down meteors to obliterate the castle from existence. This time however upon returning to the mountains he sealed himself inside of a cave in an attempt to prevent further acts of rage. And so he slept for the fourteen hundred years in isolation as time went by.

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