Shaira T'Khali

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Name: Shaira T'Khali
Age: 100
Weapons: None
Abilities: Various biotic abilities including warp which can levitate people or objects, barrier which can block various types of attacks for a limited time.
Sexuality: Bi.
Looks: Image.
Race: Asari. (Duh.)
Personality: Shaira is a courageous individual, daring to go where most others won't on most occasions. She isn't without her fears or times of caution however and can sometimes speak her mind too openly,which can sometimes lead to others being offended or aggressive towards her. She tends not to allow her own anger to take over, but she will not hesitate to harm others if either a friend or a project she is working on are at risk.
Past: Shaira T'Khali grew up on the Asari homeworld known as Thessia, at the very young age of 18 she graduated from her basic schooling which normally took forty years for most Asari to accomplish. This gained the attention of many of the leaders of the Asari Republic, who soon agreed to have her take advanced courses of education for the next thirty years before they offered her a position as a scientist and a position aboard one of many large science cruisers that had been constructed for particular missions throughout the Milky Way. She accepted the offer with an overflowing tide of enthusiasm, waving goodbye to Thessia as she began her voyage through the stars at eighty years old. For the next twenty years she worked alongside her fellow researchers as they studied many different worlds and stars ranging from habitable moons to the mighty Pulsar stars, unfortunately almost a week before she could celebrate her next birthday she had been discarded from the ship. The latest project that they had been working on was an improvement to the on board escape pod technology, many of the younger scientists aboard had decided to experiment with one of the hundreds of escape pods to see if they could increase the time of control the occupants could have over the pod or at the very least increase the distance at which the pods could launch from the ship. Unfortunately the experiment went horribly wrong, Shaira had volunteered to test the pod since she had been the one to suggest posdible upgrades which soon backfired on her. Not only did the pod propel further than even they had predicted but with such propulsion she was left with little control, within moments she was outside of the cruisers range. Thankfully the escape pods of the Asari Republic were larger than necessary, housing four cryo pods for long periods without rescue. She activated the distress beacon of her pod before making her way to a cryo pod, sealing herself inside to wait until hopefully either her pod drifted into the path of another cruiser or towards one of the many colonies of the Asari Republic.

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