Chapter 1 Broken Records and Phone Calls

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You know the saying that goes something about a broken record. When the same thing is said over and over, or the same thing happens over and over. That broken record is my life. It's a metaphor. My whole life just seems to be the terrible broken record getting stuck on the same bit over and over. Something good would happen then something bad, then something good, then something bad, then something... it think you get the picture. I promise I am not looking for sympathy in you but I think you could agree that this hand I have been dealt is pretty... well... shit. Don't get me wrong the whole meeting Smith, all of the guys and having a group of friends that are more like a family is amazing, this is the good something in our broken record metaphor. The bad being the whole homeless episode and crazy uncle and now my mum, it's easy to think that the bad is overwhelming the good. Like a magikarp vs mewtwo.

It's been almost a two months since Smith and I went over to Mum's. Everything is pretty much the same. Well not really. People in the office have had to leave, things are tense between the guys at home and at work, I will talk about that later, and my mum is in rehab. So yeah things are pretty shitty right now.

I woke up and Smith was in the shower I sat up rubbing my face and sighed. I got changed and went down stairs. Ross and Trott were both sat at the table and looked at me as I walked in. 'Morning.' I mumbled switching on the kettle. 'Is he talking yet?' Ross asked in his morning voice. I shook my head getting a cup out of the cupboard. 'This is ridiculous.' Trott muttered under his breathe and I closed the cupboard with force and looked at him. 'Sorry.' Trott said sipping from his cup. 'Right I am off to work.' Katie said walking in her handbag on her arm. 'See you all this evening?' She asked digging her keys out of her bag. 'Yep.' I said making my tea. After Katie had left Kim came down too, 'when are you heading in?' She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, 'whenever Alex is ready.' I told her and she nodded, 'he will be fine, it will all blow over.' SHe said before sitting at the table with Ross.

I went back upstairs to see where Smith was with getting ready to go. When I walked into the room he was sat on the side of the bed putting on his socks. 'Morning honey.' I said, 'how you feeling?' I asked and he looked at me for a second before putting on his other sock. He looked angry, 'do you want a cup of tea?' I asked him as he stood up, he went to walk past me and I grabbed hold of his arm. 'Alex, please talk to me.' I said and he looked at me more pained than angry now. 'Please.' I said, he shook my hand off and walked out.

When we got the office it was the same as normal, they all sat down at their desks not saying a word to each other. Recording sessions had become an act to like each other and get on and work was no longer fun, it was work. I walked out of our office and down the corridor to the common room after a GTA recording. Sjin and Hannah were sat talking when I walked in, 'how's it going?' Hannah asked as I walked in. 'Not good.' I said getting a bottle of water out of the fridge. 'They still not talking?' Sjin asked and I shook my head. 'How longs it been now?' Hannah asked and I told her almost a month. 'What about Kim?' Hannah asked me, 'I think she is ok now, she wasn't happy at first which is understandable but Smith and Ross are still mad and Smith isn't talking to me either.' I sat down next to Sjin. 'What exactly happened?' Sjin asked, I sighed before going over the story again.

Mum had been in rehab for a week after we found her in her house pretty much dead to the world, I had been to visit her once before with Smith when she first got there, she was an empty shell of a woman, pale and paranoid. I decided that I was going to go and see her again, but I didn't want to bring Smith. He had made plans before all of this to go for a weekend long trip with his airsoft group. I was laying in bed one night and I hadn't seen mum in a week like I said, 'Alex?' I whispered, 'are you awake?' I asked and he rolled over to face me. 'What's up?' he asked turning on the light. 'I want to go and see my mum tomorrow.' I said and he nodded, 'alright, what time do you think we should go?' He asked and I sat up, 'you should go out with your friends, I can do this alone, you have had this planned for weeks.' I told him, 'you shouldn't have to do it alone, I don't mind coming.' he said and I shook my head, 'no you go with your friends, I will be fine.' I told him and he nodded, 'ok, if you want to go on your own that's fine.' he said and I kissed him before going to sleep.

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