Chapter 7 Zipping Lips and Tickle Fights

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We stayed out until it got dark, wandering around town and parks finding new places that neither of us knew existed. 'Come on let's get home, you're cold.' Smith said as we walked hand in hand across a sports field.

When we got home Ross and Trott were in the kitchen stood at the oven, 'oh god, what are you two concocting?' I asked as Smith hung up our coats, 'oh nothing.' Ross said and he ushered us over with his hand, him and Trott were looking at a catalouge. 'What you looking at?' Smith asked before looking at the pages. 'Rings?' I said looking at both of them, 'not for me, for Chris.' Ross said and I looked at a rather shy looking Trott. 'Aww Trotty you romantic you.' Smith teased slightly, 'shhh, they are both upstairs, and I don't know yet, I am just looking.' Trott said, 'well I am happy for you.' I said hugging him before going up to see Kim and Katie, 'Abbey, don't tell anyone, this stays in house, between us four.' Trott said and I zipped my lips before heading up.

'Knock, knock.' I said walking into Katie and Trott's room, her and Kim were sat on Katie's bed. 'Hey you, where you been?' Katie said patting the bed inviting me to sit down. 'Out with Smith.' I told them, 'oh we know what that means.' Kim giggled, I nudged her with my shoulder. 'I miss this, we were just saying we hadn't had a girls night for a while.' Katie said, 'we should organise one, Hannah, Ruby and Charlie.' I said, 'what about kayie?' Kim asked, we hadn't heard from her since her and Martyns messy break up. 'I think it should be just us six.' Katie said, 'let's have it Sunday, I will let everyone know.' I volunteered. 'Why not Saturday?' Katie asked, 'Smith and I are going to his sister's birthday gathering, I have never met her before and I don't know when we'll be back.' I told them. 'What about Friday?' Kim suggested, 'Tomorrow? It's a little short notice for some of us, Hannah has a livestream.' I reminded them, 'well it looks like a Sunday girl's night then.' Katie said, 'It's a date.' Kim concluded, 'i am pretty sure there is a fanfiction like this.' us three girls looked over our shoulders to the door where Trott was stood. 'What you all plotting?' he asked leaning on the wall, 'only world domination, nothing to worry about.' I joked, 'anyways we will leave you now.' Kim said and she and I began to leave, 'oh god don't leave me here with him.' Katie teased, 'on your own there my dear.' I said closing the door behind kim and i.

Smith and I opted out of dinner, we were still full up after lunch so we fed Kappa and watched him stalk and catch his hoppy dinner. 'I definitely want another one.' Smith said, I looked at him, 'we only just got this one.' I said firmly, 'ok.' Smith sounded dejected. 'All I am saying is not right now. We can have another one soon but don't you think we have enough to do at the moment?' I said not listening to how much of a bitch I was currently being. 'I know, I just I feel like they are a nice distraction.' he said, 'something we can both care for, that's ours.' he said just looking in the tank not looking at me. 'Like a kid.' I said staring now as well. 'I guess.' he said and he put his arm around me, 'one day, we will have a baby that isn't scaly.' Smith said, 'we will?' I said and Smith sighed lightly, 'i hope so.' I heard someone cough behind us, Ross and Katie were stood looking at us. 'Sorry.' Ross said covering his mouth, 'were you listening?' I asked them, 'well... no..... maybe just the last bit.....ish.' Katie said and Smith just rolled his eyes before going upstairs.

I walked up just after him, he was laying on the bed facing up, 'you alright?' I asked him and he sat himself up before rubbing his face. 'Could have been worse.' I said sitting down next to him, 'how?l he asked, 'i can think of one thing that they could walk in on and us not be very happy.' I said and he smirked. I shuffled down the bed and rested my head oh his chest. 'So then, our Trotty might get married?' I said changing the topic, 'Sounds that way huh.' Smith placed his hand on my hip. 'I wouldn't have put money on him getting hitched first out of us three.' Smith said, 'oh yeah? Who would get married first then?' I asked, 'Ross, he is more into all that than Trott.' he told me, 'yeah and what about you?' I asked him curious, 'well I was never that interested in it, was happy just being free and single.' he said and I shuffled to face him, 'oh really?' I said eyebrows raised, 'well yeah, until you came along a screwed that right up.' he said and I kissed him, 'yeah and that's why you love me.' I said laying back on his chest. 'We are going to have a girls night on Sunday.' I told him, 'oh really?' he said, 'yeah is that OK, we have nothing planned for then do we?' I asked concerned he might have planned something. 'nope. You need this, take your mind of off everything for a while.' He said, 'you should all go out, all you guys at the office, between the three of you you should be able to manage it.' I told him, 'are you suggesting I am incapable madam?' he asked tickling me. I rolled from side to side laughing uncontrollably, 'Smith stop, stop.' I kept saying but he had me pretty pinned and he tickled and tickled, 'Smith seriously I am going to wet myself.' I said and he stopped and I laid facing the ceiling and he flopped down next to me on his side. We both were panting catching our breathe still laughing a little. I stood up and went to the bathroom. 'Abbey?' Smith shouted through. 'Can you wait until I have my pants back on.' I called back through, there was a second of silence from us both, 'you want me to answer that?' he said I could hear the smile on his face. I came back out, I had changed into my vest top and shorts ready for bed, and Smith was sat on the bed and he looked at me when I came out. 'You hallard?' I said standing in the doorway of the bathroom, He didn't say anything but he was looking at me. 'Alex.' I said snapping him out of whatever he was thinking. 'Oh, err nothing.' He said and I rolled my eyes and went to walk for my side of the bed.

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