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( this one shot  has been dedicated to the marvelous jackrinefluff & and her stories ;"Prove It " and "Cell Block Kathy " this one shot is somewhat inspired by it ! I highly suggest you read every single one of her fabulous story !)

"Alright , Jack , the girls and I have been working really hard on this ! And I know the last time we did this choreography you shot us down but we've been working so hard ! We really like this version and we think it will make the musical better !" Clara said in all yellow and her hair slightly curled and teased .

"I don't know -" Jack said sitting at his chair , clipboard in hand .

"Jack ! Please ! Come on ! I know you'll think it's really good ! Heather the musical won't be the same without this song !! " Clara pleaded .

"Clara -"

"Come on ! Your the director you can have the final say but at least see it !" Clara asked .

"Fine .... Playback !" Jack called out . Jack did not want to see this . More like he didn't want to see Katherine.

They had got in a huge fight Sophomore year of college and broke up . Jack had gone two years with her . Directing her and she would yell at him . Jack and Katherine kept their feelings very open and yelled at each other during rehearsals .

Like sophomore year whine they broke up they constantly fought ; Katherine had been singing Legally Blonde all wrong ! Her key was not what Jack thought and her wig was horrible , he yelled and had her changed to being Vivianne .

Then Junior year ; Katherine came to rehearsal twenty minutes late , she thought it was no big deal because her scene was even going on that day , but Jack was annoyed and switched her from Maria to Mother Abbess.

And this year ; Katherine was going to be Veronica , she had her heart set on it . When they were dating all she could talk about was behind Veronica , enter Jack who said 'no' and made her Heather Chandler ,

Then three girls ; Clara in yellow , Sara in green and Katherine in
red stepped on stage .

They all had short skirts with their color and plaid , blazer that showed off their chests , and their hair and makeup done perfectly .

Then Lena the girl playing Veronica stepped on stage and said her line .

The two guys playing Ram and Kurt were standing near and the guy playing JD. Was sitting down 'reading ' a book .

"God Veronica ! " Katherine said annoyed .

"Are we gonna have a problem?
You got a bone to pick?
You've come so far,
Why now are you pulling on my dick?
I'd normally slap your face off,
And everyone here could watch.
But I'm feeling nice.
Here's some advice.
Listen up, biotch!" Katherine sang and her and the girls shaked their hips and butts as they walked to the back of the stage . Jack rolled his eyes .

"I like!" Sara and Clara sang high pitched shaking their hips and now facing the audience.

"Lookin' hot
Buying stuff they cannot" she then did the money sign and fanned herself .

"I like!" The other heathers sang again.

"Drinkin' hard
Maxin' Dad's credit card" she said flipping her hair , Katherine noticed Jack roll his eyes and loose interest. She had to amp it up !

"I like!"

"Skippin' gym
Scaring her
Screwing him" she sang pointing to the audience.

"I like!"

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