No safe word (Eve)

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She leaves her office at exactly 5:00 pm every day. Not a minute sooner, not a minute later. She works as a dental hygienist and spends her days cleaning the plaque off people's teeth.

It's not a glamorous job, but she enjoys it because she doesn't have to spend her days speaking. She hates speaking, and when their mouths are open and she's wielding a piece of floss, the most they can do is make gurgling sounds. Besides, the mask gives her something to hide behind and makes her feel anonymous.

 Besides, the mask gives her something to hide behind and makes her feel anonymous

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It's Monday today, so she's not going home. It's one of her favorite nights of the week, because she gets to do the only thing that makes her feel alive. She gets to do it twice a week and she needs it, she needs it in order to carry on.

She climbs into her car. She drives out the lot and turns onto the M 1 South. It's the motorway that takes her in the opposite direction to her home. It's the motorway that takes her all the way out of the city and towards her special little place.

It takes an hour to get there; the traffic is always horrendous. As she gets closer her heart beats faster with anticipation and it's probably the closest she will ever feel to happiness- or some version of it.

She takes the off ramp, she turns left and then she takes the small slip road to the right. The sound changes as the surface changes from tar, to gravel, to loose stones and sand. It's getting dark now and she turns her car lights on.

She drives under the big sign that hangs over the small dusty road. "South End Self-Storage"

She's been coming here for years; she never misses a session. She has a responsibility to the others to keep coming back. She parks in front of her storage locker, it's right at the end. Very secluded. The man who owns South End turns a blind eye to the activity that takes place here for an extra bit of money every month. He's not exactly sure what goes on there at night. He doesn't want to know, though. The extra money feeds his gambling habit anyway, so this suits him.

She looks at her watch; she has twenty minutes to get ready, that is more than enough time. Her set up isn't fancy, she isn't fancy, but she gets the job done and she does it well. They wouldn't keep coming if she didn't do it well.

She opens the door, it's one of those huge metals ones and it squeaks loudly as it swings open. She switches the lights on and steps in. She's set up a small changing area at the back, she's even installed plumbing with a small shower and a toilet. The owner turned a blind eye to that too. She needs the shower because she needs to wash it all away when she leaves.

She gets dressed. She always wears the same thing. They like it that way. Tight, black. Leather. Boots.

She sits in her chair and waits. She looks at her watch; he's already five minutes late. She's going to punish him for running late, maybe that's why he ran late. Maybe he wants her to punish him even more tonight.

She hears the sound of the tires on the gravel and she sees the lights. He steps out of the car and she wraps the leather whip around her hand.

"You're fucking late!" She screams at him.

"I'm sorry mistress," he says, but he has a small smile on his face. Yes, he's done it on purpose.

"You fucking kept me waiting. You need to be punished, you disgusting thing."

"I'm sorry."

"Tell me how disgusting you are. Tell me how bad you are and how much you need to be punished."

He gets onto his hands and knees in front of her feet.

"I'm fucking disgusting mistress and I need to be punished." He says in a voice that cannot hide his excitement and sense of anticipation.

"Oh, you will be. There's no safe word tonight you filthy fuck." She raises the whip above her head and pauses for a second... she feels alive. She wants to hurt him so badly. She will hurt him. Every time she hits him and kicks him she imagines that she is hurting him...

She needs to do this. She needs to hurt them so she doesn't hurt so much. 

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