Him (Hope)

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The first time I met him, he had a gift waiting for me. He might as well have gift wrapped it, put a big blue bow on top and given me a giant pair of scissors to cut it open.

I'd never met him before, or so he said, because there was something vaguely familiar about his voice. I felt like I'd heard it somewhere, but couldn't put my finger on it. He had gone to great lengths to "abduct" me in a rather dramatic way. He seemed to be trying to convey a very distinctive message in the way he'd first taken me.

He'd made his presence known to me outside my post office box. I have a few post office boxes scattered around town that I use to keep 'special' things in. Not in my name obviously. The one in question was located outside a busy mall so I look like a perfectly normal person fetching the post.

His message was so clear...I know who you are. I know your secrets and I've been following you and I am in control of this.

I'd seen him there first, and I'd known immediately that he was after me- I just know these things. He was wearing an overly smart vintage suit that looked like something Sherlock Holmes would have worn. The look was topped off with an eye-catching bright white Panama hat. He wasn't trying to blend it, that's for sure.

I made a quick beeline for the busy mall and disappeared inside. I walked around, pretending to shop for over three hours. I thought I'd finally lost him when I'd ducked into a Chinese restaurant, grabbed a tray and some glasses on entering and casually walked through the kitchen where I knew there was a door at the back that lead into the basement parking lot.

From there I'd made my way to my car, but unbeknownst to me, he had been in the backseat waiting for me. The last thing I remember was the sharp sting of the needle when he'd plunged it into the back of my neck. When I finally came round, it felt like hours had passed, I was bound and gagged and strapped to a chair in the middle of a massive room. My eyes started adjusting. They were a bit sore and sticky feeling and I started making out more and more shapes. My feet felt wet and I looked down, they were covered in brown water, in fact, the whole floor was covered in brown water. I looked up again, blinking. This wasn't just an abandoned building, this was an abandoned hospital and I was currently tied to a chair in what was once an operating room. A broken round light hung from the ceiling over an operating bed and blue chipped tiles crumbled off the walls.

 A broken round light hung from the ceiling over an operating bed and blue chipped tiles crumbled off the walls

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My eyes moved around the room and that's when I realized I wasn't alone.  Someone else was there, he was sitting in an old wheelchair opposite me- also bound and gagged. I recognized him immediately. While Panama Hat man had been following me, I had been following this guy for months. I smiled, even though my mouth was gagged.

I'd befriended him in a chatroom as Frank. A bored, forty- five- year old man that lived alone and liked Formula 1 racing. The chatroom in question was for "like-minded" people. I'd easily found it lurking in the dark web and we'd been conversing for months already. Our conversations usually revolved around young, blonde girls and the things we would like to do with them. It had been my intention on having a face- to- face meeting with him, but he lived all the way across the country and I was trying to formulate a plan to get him to voluntarily come to me.

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