Monday night habit (Eve)

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She showers and washes her hair when she's done. She needs to wash all traces of him away, so does he.

They are both on their way back home now. She is going home to her daughter and her empty bed and he is going home to his wife of twenty- years, who he loves dearly, but just cannot bring himself to tell her that he likes to squeal in pain.

He'll go home happy tonight and their relationship will be better for it. He'll then go to work the next day and run his multi-million Dollar company, and tell his staff of over a hundred to do his bidding. He's told her that their evenings together are what keep him sane, she feels the same way. They may both be doing it for different reasons, he needs to lose control and she needs to take control- but the outcome is the same for both of them, they need each other.

They don't even know each other's real names, even though they've been meeting for five years. Since she started.

She started by accident. A man stole her purse on the way home from work- you would have thought a woman like her would either flight, or fright, but instead she fought. She hit the man, and hit the man, and hit the man, and then hit him some more and it had felt so good. More than good.

She was on a high and she wanted more. Like a drug, and she needed more. How could she hit men and get away with it? She tried boxing and Judo, but it wasn't real. It made her feel even worse, pretend hitting. Then late one night she saw a TV show about a dominatrix and the next day she posted an advert online and the rest, as they say, is history.

She only has a few clients. They are loyal and discreet and very, very grateful. She hardly ever takes on anyone new because this has nothing to do with the money... she doesn't even care about the money. She takes it, though, because that is what is expected of her.

She climbs into her car and drives to the other side of the lot, she has another storage unit there. This one is smaller. She opens it and steps inside. The room is full of old books, she went to a second book store and bought the entire shelf of fiction. She picks one up...

Memoires of a Geisha. Looks like that's what she'll be reading this week. She walks to the back of the room and fiddles with the combination lock and the safe door opens. It's a big safe and it's getting full. She needs another one, this will be number four. She keeps them all here.

She puts the money in. $500 per 40 minutes exactly. She sets an alarm. It's not about the money, and that's why she has three safes stuffed full of notes that she never uses. She doesn't even know how much money she has amassed over the years, nor does she want to. Maybe when she retires she'll go on a world cruise? Maybe she'll buy a small house in the country away from it all. Maybe she'll need it to bail her daughter out one day....

She climbs into her car and drives home. She uses that word "home" loosely. Because isn't home supposed to be where the heart and the happiness is. Home is where she sleeps at night and wakes up. That's all. Some nights she feels she needs to sleep with one eye open.

She usually arrives home around 10 at night, sometimes later, depending on how many clients she sees. And when she walks inside, she and her daughter play another little game with each other.

Her daughter pretends to care that her mother has arrived home. She also pretends to care what book she has, "Oh, she hadn't read that one. She must."

"You can borrow it darling."

"Thanks mom."

She never borrows it. Her daughter is smart, she has a way of seeing into a persons soul- her daughter knows she isn't going to book club. Who comes home from book club that late?

But it's all part of the game they play- the mutual, silent, agreement that they have with each other- turn a blind eye. She also turns a blind eye to the state her daughter is in when she comes home. Seems like her daughter also has a bit of a Monday night "habit."

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