Heart Broken

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Hermione's POV:

"Ron... What are you doing here?" I asked behind Draco.

"I came here to apologize for... um" He said awkwardly.

"For cheating with me with Lavender" I said madly.

"Um... yeah that..." Ron said looking up to stare at Draco.

"But what is he doing here?" He asked irritated.

Draco turned around and looked at me with a concerning face.

"He is going to be staying here at my house for a while" I said.

"And why is that?" Ron asked with a little bit of anger in his voice.

"That's none of you're business. I kicked you out of here a long time ago" I said with my hands on my hips.

"Don't you have Malfoy Manner" He said looking back at Draco and smirking.

"Well umm..." I started to say.

"Both of my parents died there and I don't want any memories of that, also because I just got divorced and my wife took over the place" He said.

"Well that is sad" Ron said sarcastically " But really you deserved it. Glad your precious father died" Ron said as his face got even redder.

"Ronald" I said running up to him and smacking his cheek.

"Why don't you go back to your precious Lavender! Isn't that  he reason you broke Hermione's heart" Draco said, also mad now.

"OH THAT DOES IT!" Screamed Ron while entering my apartment making Draco back away. He swung his fist as hard as he could and attempted to punch Draco, but luckily Draco dodged it.

"You should of not done that" Draco said.

"And why is that?" Ron asked while smirking.

Draco punched Ron's face making him slightly unstable.

Ron took one last look at Draco and wiped some blood off his lip. Then simply turned away and ran for the door, which Hermione slammed close as soon as Ron was outside.

"I am so sorry Draco, I don't know why Ron was acting like that" I said with my hands covering my mouth.

"Its fine, are you ok?" He asked walking over to Hermione.

"Yeah I'm fine but I think I should be asking that to you, he almost punched you." I said breathing heavily.

"Almost..." He said smirking .

"Ha ha, your so cute. " I said turning my head.

"I know" He said still smirking.

Then my smile dropped as I remembered the day Ron cheated on me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He also stopped smiling and got closer to Hermione.

"It just. The day Ron cheated on me" I said as a tear escaped. 

"You still have feelings for him" He asked wiping my tear away with his thumb and sighing. 

"Should I? After what he did?" I asked mostly to myself. 

"Love is powerful, even if he did something bad, you can still love him. Even if you pity yourself about still loving him, you shouldn't. You might never be together because of what Ron did but that does't  mean you don't love him anymore" Draco explained.

"No I don't love him, I don't... I know I don't love him, No I do love him, but I don't" I said crying.

"I been in this situation before, and I know how to cure it" He said smiling.

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