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Draco's POV:
I was sitting down on my favorite chair in the living room. I was reading the newspaper. Scorpio was visiting since he was done with school. My oldest kid had graduated from Hogwarts and I don't know how happy I felt being his dad. He was sorted into slytherin, the best. I see him walking towards me. I peek over from my newspaper. He was fiddling with his wand and seemed worried.
"Is everything alright son" I ask him putting the newspaper away.
"Well, I need to tell you something" he gulps.
"Well sit down and talk" I point to the seat I front of me. He takes a seat and looks down.
"Um, well" he starts. "Please don't be mad at me"
"Why would I be mad at you" My eyebrows raise.
"Well this is really hard to say, but dad..."
"Yes." I reply

(What do you think Scorpius is going to say?)

"I'm gay" he let's out a breath.

I freeze at the spot. I'm not against gay's don't get me wrong. But I never knew my son would be.
"That great son" I say and I smile a bit
"So your not mad at me" he asks surprise.
"No I'm not, but you have to understand that it's going to be hard for me to adjust to it" I say still kind of shocked.
"Dad I'm sorry" he looks down. Tears were dipping to the floor.
"Why are you sorry, there is nothing to be sorry for" I say and hug him.
"I thought you would kick me out" he cry's into my chest
"And why would I do that?" I ask him stroking him silver hair.
"I don't know" he says.
"So do you fancy anyone" I ask him smirking.
"Daaadddd" he starts blushing
"So who is it, I still know about crushes. I'm not that old" I playfully scold him.
"I kinda have a slight, tiny, tiny tiny little crush of Albus" he says not looking me in the eye.
"Oh that's great" and the it hit me. "You mean Potters son" I ask trying to be calm
"Well I gotta blast" he dashes out. I run after him.
"You better not marry him because I do not want a Potter family line in the Malfoy family line." I yell at him
"Why not, it would be a change" Scorpius opens the front door and runs out of the apartment. I was still in my pajamas on so I couldn't go out. I walk back to my chair.
"Ashh this kid" I say to myself.

So Ya a chapter. A really short one because I am done with the book and I was bored so, Ya. Here you go. Also o K of some people do t ship Albus and Scorpius but I really wanted some LGBTQ in this book. So I decided so make Scorpius gay because I ship Albus and Scorpius.
Also I was wondering if anyone of you could do translations of All Because of Lexie. If you can please message me!

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