Play Date

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Hermione's POV:

I woke up this morning with a girl laughing. Lexie was already here. I totally forgot that she was coming. I got out of my bed and walked to the living room. There I saw Draco goofing around with Lexie.

"Good morning you two," I said.

"Mione!!!!!" Lexie screamed and ran up to me.

"Hi Lexie, let me get you some breakfast" I said walking to the kitchen.

"No, it's ok, Dwaco gave me some" She said in her usual toddler voice, "You made breakfast for her?" I asked surprised.

"Well it is the only cereal with milk, it's not that hard to do" Draco said with a laugh. I sat next to him cuddling with him.

"Can we do something quiet today? I'm really tired." I asked Draco

"Sure, but I am not sure if we can with this little monster" Draco said shuffling Lexies hair around.

"I AM NOT A MONSTER, DWACO!" Lexie yells.

"Fine, loud princess" Draco says grinning. 

"Thats better!" Lexie says with a huge smile. 

Lexies got up and walked to Draco and sits on his lap.

"Mione who is your mom and dad?" Asked Lexie

"Well they live is Australia and they clean peoples teeth" I said not mentioning that they don't know me because of the obliviate spell I put on them.

"What about you Dwaco?" Asked Lexie.

"Well my parents they past away a long time ago. They said bye bye. My daddy was a man who was not that kind to people and also me, but my mommy was a very nice woman who took care of me even in the toughest of times." Draco said.

"I like your mom, you dad seams mean" Lexie said with a frown.

"My dad is nice. And my dad said my mom was very pretty, and that I got that from her" Lexie said smiling at the fact her dad said she was pretty.

"And that is very very true" Draco said with a smile. 

"Mione, I like him better than the carrot" Lexie said. 

"Who's the carrot?" Draco asked me.

"Ron" I said as I started to laugh.

"Carrots is your nickname for him?" Draco asked Lexie trying not to laugh much.

"YUP!" She laughed.

"You are very clever" Draco said.

"I know" Lexie said putting her hands of her hips.

"Ok Lexie, do you want to see a friend today" I asked her.

"YEAH!" She screamed.

"Who do you want to see?" I asked

"Anna" She said with out thinking. Anna was her best friend.

I took my phone and dialed her home phone number. Her dad answered and said yes to the play date at their house.

"Get changed Draco we are going to go to bring Lexie to Anna's house" I said.

"Why do I have to come?" he asked like a little boy.

"Fine then you don't have to." I said going to my bedroom to get dressed. 

When I had my clothes on I took Lexie and went to Anna's house. After I dropped her off I went back to my apartment. 

"Draco I'm back!" I say as I opened the door.

There was no answer.

"Draco?" I said as I walked to his room; I opened the door and saw Ron with his fist covered in blood and Draco lying on the floor with his blood all over his face.  

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