A Cook in the House

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Hermione's POV

As soon as I woke up I heard something going on in the kitchen. I peeked out and it was Draco already partly dressed cooking something. I walked out.

"What do we have here, Draco Malfoy cooking." I said smirking, there's lots of smirking around this household. 

He turned around.

"Well I am making breakfast for you and me" He said.

"And may I ask what it is you are cooking?" I asked.

"Pancakes" He said as a pancake flew through the air. 

"Well I'll leave you to it" I said walking over to the living room and turning on the television as Draco caught the pancake with the pan.

As I was watching TV, Timber came and sat with me. He's such a well trained dog. 

I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door.

"Well hello Lexie, where is your dad?" I asked peeking out of the door.

"He awady left. He said he pick me up at 5" Lexie said while walking in.

"Ok, do you remember Draco?" I asked

"DWACO" She ran up to him while he was waiting for a pancake to finish cooking. He picked her up and swung her around. 

"Hey Lexie" He said .

"Are those for me?" She said pointing at the pancakes. 

"There for Hermione, you and me" He said. 

Lexie looked around after hearing other footsteps. 

She spotted Timber.

"DOGGGGGGGYYYYYY" She said as she tried to wiggle out of Draco's arms.

Draco put her down and she ran to Timber and started petting him.

"He'll keep her distracted for a while" I said walking to the table and sitting down.

*A Few Minutes later*

"Well, I'm done with the pancakes" He said as he put the pile of pancakes on the table.

"Lexie come and eat!" I shouted over to her. 

Sad to leave the dog she came over a sat on a chair and started eating. We all ate in silence. After the pancakes were finished it was about 11:00 am. 

"Why don't we go to the beach?" I suggested. 

"Yeah sure, why not!" Draco said excited. 

"Ya, I wove the beach" Said Lexie.

"I'll get your stuff from your apartment and then we can go." Hermione said looking out of the window and seeing what a beautiful day it was then turning back to Lexie.

Draco POV:

I saw Hermione leave with Lexie because she wanted to go with her. 

I went to the guest bedroom (AKA my bedroom for now). 

I put a bathing suit on and a T-shirt. My bathing suit looked like normal shorts so it didn't look bad at all.

 I packed an extra pair of clothes just in case. I didn't want to bring Timber since he doesn't really like water. I heard the door open and I left my room and saw Lexie in a cute summer dress.

"I'll get my stuff now and then we can go" Hermione said running into her room.

After she was done getting ready we went to the beach. I drove the car because I was the only one who knew how to drive. 

We went to the Ocean Beach Fire Pits because I really like it there, the water is nice and clear, and the sand is nice and smooth.

When we arrived we unpacked all of our stuff and found a spot on the sand. The beach was crowded because it was the summer and it was so hot. Hermione took off Lexie's dress since she has a swim suit and Lexie really wanted to go swimming.  As soon as her ress was off she started running to the water.

"LEXIE NOT YET" Hermione yelled

"WHY nottttttt!"Lexie shouted from the edge of the sand, I could tell she was annoyed. 

"You have to put sunscreen on" Hermione said back.

"FINE" Lexie said stomping back.

Hermione blotted the sunscreen on Lexie and rubbed it in.

Hermione took her shirt of and her pants. She had a bikini that was black and I had to say that she was hot.


What Hermione looks like

What Hermione looks like

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What Draco looks like

What Lexie looks like

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What Lexie looks like

(that photo tho XD- demo)

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(that photo tho XD- demo)

EDITED BY: demowolf

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