5.3K 65 17

All Because of Lexie has been so fun to write yet also sad.

I first have to thank demowolf for editing my chapter's. The people who have read the book from the start of the book, thank you so much it means a lot.

The people who voted and commented on it also a huge thank you. I loved reading the comments, some were very funny.

My favorite chapter has to be when Lexie says that she calls Ron carrot. I loved the comments in that, it made me laugh.

I might of not updated the book once a week because I was busy, but now I am sad to say goodbye to this book. I really like Dramione and there are my OTP for life.

I remember when I got to 10K reads. Demo and I were in Spanish class and we were freaking out, I feel sorry for our teacher who had to put up with that. Not really.

Thank you for the reads, votes and comments and the support and who knows I might see your comments in another book. *wink* (I had to) thanks again!! Now something from Demo.


Hey everyone reading. I just want to say a HUGE thanks for all the support. Even though I'm just the editor of this book and wrote literally 2 chapters. You all still supported me. :)

Anyway I'm gonna do one final sweep-edit after this author's note.

I really don't have much to say because I'm just crying over what happened in the last chapter.

Ok now you guys probably don't care but I really want to tell you guys the story about how me and Lil came up with the idea. Ik u guys probs hate us now. But too bad.

Ok so if you don't want to read this then go ahead and skip to the winners, but for all you interested here you go.

So for our school we have a yearly camping trip for the whole grade. And in those camping trips we get sorted into activity groups.

So we get labeled 1-12 (i think) and both me and Lil just ended up being in the same group.

So since after 3 days we got pretty bored of hiking the same track for 4 hours everyday, and we ended up running out of topics to talk about.

We started talking about this Lexie.

At first we just started talking about how Dramione is super cute and how they should've been cannon. But then we start to get really deep.

I first bring up the topic of how we need a somewhat plot-twist. So after an hour or two of brainstorming I had the most brilliant idea, what if Lexie died?

Obviously since me and Lil are actually really alike she thought it was a great idea. And so we planned it.

We planned it all.

We planned who killed her.

Which you guys don't know hehe, but will have to figure out.

But yea. This camp was in march. So this was a really long wait.

Anyway you guys are probably bored of hearing me talk so here are the winners;


We want to congratulate the three lucky winners of this contest. We had a lot of entries and it was hard to get the top three, but here you go.

Now this lucky person that won first place gets,

- A follow from both of us

- And votes on all chapters of three books (if the winner has less than 3 books, then all) by both of us.

The other lucky person that won second place gets,

- A beautiful follow from Lilly

- and votes on all chapters of one book by Demo.

The last lucky person to win this contest will get,

- Votes on all chapters of one book by Demo

Now congrats to,

ZodiacMalfoy for first place! Congrats!!

ForeverDramione22 second place! Great job!!

And pottergirlalways is in third place! It might not be first but still great!! (that's the most inspirational that Demo gets, congrats)

Ok we know we already said our thanks but really.

We wouldn't be here without you guys.

Like not joking, for a while Lilly felt like giving up on the book (it's true -Lilly), and for a while Demo was just not interested in editing or helping at all. (that's also very true - Lilly)

But thanks to you guys we are here.

Sure it's not 100 chapters but still, it means a lot.

And we have so many memories with this book like one time Demo saw a girl in real life literally reading this book. She texted Lilly said she saw this girl and Lilly insisted Demo talked to her but Demo is too antisocial and she did not do it. Good job Demo!

But now to something a lot of people have asked and might be asking as well.

"Will there be a sequel?"

The answer to that is no.

I'm sorry but this isn't the kind of book to have a sequel.

Though there might be a sneaky epilogue soon.

But again guys thank you so much for the support. I remember both Demo and Lil sitting Skyping each other waiting for two reads just so they could reach 1k.

And now look, we are close to 30k.

What the hell!?

But seriously, thanks.

You all probably have other books to read and other things to do. But seriously thank you.

We don't know where we would be without every single one of you.

Now don't forget to share this story to your friends. It would mean a lot.

All Because of Lexie || Dramione.Where stories live. Discover now