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Hermione's POV:

It was dark, no place to go. It was a room with no light just little holes from the cracks of the stone walls.
I was hungry and dehydrated. Who ever put me here did not give me food or water. Probably never will. No one will come for me, no one will know where I am. I don't know where I am. I just woke up here, I don't even know if I am awake.

"Someone help me! please!" I said in desperate tone, tears were slowly coming down my cheeks.

"No one can help you" a deep voice said.

I looked around trying to find the person who the voice belonged to.

"No one will know where you are" the voice said again.

My heart began to beat faster in fear.

"No one will be able to save you"

"Who are you" I asked trying to hide the shakiness of my voice.

"I can't tell you, but I can show you. You know who I am, and you might know why I "captured" you, as your friends call it. I don't think the correct word to describe you is captured. It's more like, punished" the voice came closer.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"You'll know, you always know everything" now the voice sounded like it was next to my ear.

I turned but saw nobody.

"Trying to find me?" the voice asked. It was now it was across the room

"What did I do?" I repeated.

He came into the clearing,the tip of his wand lit only enough to see his face.I gasped knowing who he is.

"You should know exactly who I am and why I captured you."


I know this I short but right now Hermione not really doing that much.
Who do you think it is?

Edited by demowolf

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