Chapter 4: Winston? Or Anderson?

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Hazely I roll over on the couch, a loud echoing noise rings in my aching head.

Confusingly I yell, "Ponyboy? Sodapop? Umm, Darry?" While staring at flapping screen door.

I stood up from lying on the couch still staring at the open door. Stumbling over each step, I hustle into Ponyboy and Sodapop's room. Nobody. Spinning on my heels, I follow my shadow into Darry's room. No one. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Not a sight of anyone. Tears streamed down my cheek when I heard a car start and burn out on pavement nearby. I left the kitchen to find myself at the front door looking out into the foggy morning air. Stepping out onto the cold cement porch, my toes froze below me. Expecting to see a blue Mustang with the boys inside fighting to get out, I see nothing. Not a soul in sight, only the white clouds in the cool breeze from my heavy breaths.

I wandered into the kitchen looking for the land line. 9-1-1 I click into the phone.

"Hi, what's your emergency?" The operator said in a nasally tone.

"I need to report some kidnapped persons." I said quickly.

"What are their names-"

"Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry Curtis." I said thinking that I should check in with the rest of the gang to make sure they weren't kidnapped as well.

"Alright, Honey. We are going to send some investigators your way. What's your address?"

"I am not sure," I said sniffling in and trying to hold in my tears, "I just moved here."

"Alright, darling. We'll right there."

"Okay. Thank you." I said, hanging up the phone. I could hear her mumble a thank you before I slammed the phone down.


After the investigators and I talked for a bit, I decided to go to Two-Bit's house or Steve's house to check in on them.

I tripped over a pinecone and a crack in the sidewalk, so I just kept my eyes on the laces of my Converse to make sure I don't trip again. Soon I regret the decision of staring at my shoes, because the top of my head makes contact with a muscular chest.


"Two-Bit!" I breath out.

"What are you doing out alone?" He questioned.

"I woke up and Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy weren't there. I just got done being interrogated by investigators." I mumbled.

"Well Ponyboy is at the diner picking up some breakfast, I just saw him there. And he said Darry's got some emergency at work and Sodapop went in early. I asked Ponyboy where you were and he said he left you a note." He said worriedly.

"Oh, I couldn't find the note and neither could the police."

"Well the fuzz aren't all that smart around here." He chuckled. "Let's get you back home."


Two-Bit opens the screen door ahead of me, I step in.

"Ponyboy!" I gasped hugging him, covering every inch of his scrawny body.

"Munch, I found the note I left you. It blew under the couch. I guess I didn't shut the door all the way. Why'd you freak out about that? Didn't you know if any of us left that we would be right back?" He said.

"It's just I lost my parents, and I'm a run away foster kid, and I'm scared that the Socs got you or something." I said tearing up.

"No Darry would kill em, er I mean beat them up, in a minute if they ever tried to touch any of us."

We released from our tight, warm hug.

"I heard you got breakfast, and I'm starving!" I said looking into his eyes.

"I did, and there is more for us since Darry and Sodapop took off so early."

"I'm sorry for fighting with you last night." I said apologetically.

"Oh, it's alright, Munch. I already forgot about what we were fighting about."

"Good, now let's eat."


After finishing breakfast, we decided to go to the lot. Two-Bit kept saying he wanted to cause some trouble to this rude waitress at the diner, but I talked him out of it.

"Ponyboy, I think I know why I had those dreams about that playground."

"Well Munch, why?" He said pushing me to go on with the story.

"I remember breaking my arm when I was little. It was because I fell off of some monkey bars. I am pretty sure it was those monkey bars. I remember swinging on them and some man catching me. I know my father died before I was born, but somehow I had a dad before my foster home. That might be why my last name isn't Winston and it's Anderson."

"Or maybe your mom's last name was Anderson." Two-Bit suggested.

"No it was Wilson." Ponyboy stated.

Feeling insecure, I told the two boys that we should head home. They nodded in agreement.


We walked up to the front porch of the Curtis house and entered the front door.

"I'll be right back, Pony." I said while turning around.

"Where are you going?" Ponyboy said.

"To go get some"

"Well, have Two-Bit go with ya." Ponyboy nudged Two-Bit to go with me.

"No." I said firmly, almost sounding like I was snapping at him. "I'll go alone. It's still light outside, I'll be fine."

"Okay, but be careful, Munch." Two-Bit said.

"Yeah, I don't know what I would do without you." Ponyboy said. I started to blush with excitement.

"Bye, boys." I said excusing myself. I left the house in a hurry.

Bypassing the store, I head to the police station. I began knocking on the glass door to the building when a policeman showed up to greet me. He took me to his office in the back.

"You can sit down, darling." He exclaimed with an ear-to-ear smile.

"Sir, can you tell me about my father?"


"Dallas Winston."

His smile faded and he sighed and spun around, in his swivel chair, to a filing cabinet. Pulling out a thick yellow folder, I notice that it's way thicker than any others.

"Take this home with you, kid. Bring it back tomorrow morning. After reading all of that, you will know everything you need to know about your daddy." He said, moving his hands from his plump belly to the back of his bald head. I could smell his Irish Spring deodorant, and I could see his giant sweat stains in his blue uniform shirt. Noticing his sweat, he quickly put his arms down.

"Thank you so much, sir. I will return this tomorrow, I promise." I said opening his office door and slipping out.

My feet hit the pavement, when I realise that I should probably buy some Cokes so Ponyboy doesn't think I'm lying.


"Damn, Munch. You've been gone for a long while." Two-Bit said slowly.

"Sorry, guys. Hey, has Darry and Soda-"

"Hey, Munch." Sodapop interrupted.

"Hey, Soda." I paused to make room for a new subject. "Do all of y'all want to go to the movie house. Tickets are on me."

"How about tomorrow night, kid." Darry suggested.

"Alright. I'm going to go take a nap if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, go on ahead." Darry said.

I sat on Ponyboy and Sodapop's bed and cracked open the record folder. Sipping on my Coke, I began to read. Knowing a lot more about my dad, I fell fast asleep. Dreaming of being with him, at the movie house, watching some cartoon, looking just like him.

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