Chapter 10: No going back.

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My head hung so low in my lap you'd have thought my neck was broken. Not looking anywhere but at my dirty converse, my holds folded over the back of my neck. The hospital chair I was sitting in probably hasn't seen so much anxiousness in a person before, I thought.

"Munch?" Ponyboy said, as I sprung up from my chair to greet him.

"Ponyboy! Where's Darry? How is he? Is he okay?"

"He's fine, Munch. He just passed out from all of his blood, all he had was a diced up arm."

"What about his side?"

"That wasn't from the gunshot. Darry wasn't shot. That was from the blood coming from his arm. They won't tell me how this all happened."

"We gotta get out of here, Pony." I said, interupting his subject.

"We ain't going anywhere, Munch." Ponyboy said that and I started to see two of him. I started to lean forward as if I was going to fall, Ponyboy made a hesitant effort to catch me, but I plopped back down in the chair behind me. I was getting light headed and was hungry and tired.

"Let's go back, Pony, back to Windrixville, just for a couple of days."

"We're not leaving, Munch!"

"Come on, Ponyboy."

"No, Munch, we are staying for Darry and Kal."

"I ain't staying for Kal. She lied to me. We were friends since I can remember, I've told her things that you would have never told your brothers, and I sure as heck would never have told my sister, if I knew I had one. Ponyboy, I am not staying here, I gotta go someplace and clear my head."

"You are staying. I know they lied but I'm making room for Darry to be forgiven, now you need to make room for Kal to be forgiven."

"No, Ponyboy! I'm not staying for Kal!"

"Then stay for Darry!"

"Let me go, Pony." Tears streamed down my cheeks and hit the tile floor hard.

"Sodapop!" I waited a few seconds but Sodapop's sunken face and colourless eyes just stared into Darry's room. He looked lost, like he didn't know what would happen next.

"Sodapop Curtis!" I waited but he didn't budge. "Let's go to Windrixville, just you and me. We need to get out of here." Finally Sodapop turned.

At a distance he said, "They found Kal." His face showed no emotion; he looked as if he didn't know what to do with himself.

My slow streaming tears quickly turned into a fast flowing ball.

"I don't care about, Kal!" My meltdown started to draw the attention of other people in the waiting room. "I care about, Darry. I need to get out of here."

"You should care about Kal." Ponyboy said.

"She's not looking so good, Pony." The only other words that could make it out of Sodapop's mouth were those. Goosebumps appeared on every surface of my skin.

"Ponyboy...I can't take this." Turning around I sprinted out of the hospital doors.

Not able to stop myself, I run onto the busy highway. Cars swerve and missed me. Exiting the pavement, I make it to the grass of the cemetery. I found my dad's graves. Dally's and Randy's, although Dally isn't my real dad, I like to think of him as one.

"What do I do? I can't handle this. I lost you two and now I'm going to lose Kal and Darry. I could lose Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Steve, and Two-Bit." My ball made me sound like I was mumbling. I clutch the nearby grass in my hand as tears streamed onto their graves.

"I don't know what to do!" I got up and ran away from the graves, not looking back.

Ponyboy and Sodapop stood at the hospital doors staring at me over the highway. I ran across, regretting that I did. This time the cars didn't stop in swerve in different directions to miss me, the large farm truck just kept on going. I guess I'll be seeing my dad sooner than I expected.

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