Chapter 5: Kal.

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Rolling over in the bed, I see Ponyboy staring directly at me. A blanket was covering me and my police file had vanished from the bed.

"Good morning, troublemaker." He said in a slow, hazy tone.

"Why are you calling me that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Darry wants you downstairs. He's not very happy, Munch. Good luck, I haven't seen him this mad since..." He paused and never finished his sentence.

"It's alright, Ponyboy. I'm heading down there."

Slowly and carefully I shuffle into the living room. Darry watches me walk into the kitchen and walk out. I returned to the couch with a bowl of cereal in my hands.

"How'd you get through the door and into the bedroom without us noticing this thick thing?" He said sternly holding up the police file.

"How come you left early in the morning and didn't wake me to tell me where you were going and when you would be home?" I remember getting out of arguments with the other girls at the girls home by answering questions with other questions. One person I could never use that trick on was Kal. Kalliope was my best friend at the girls home. I could trust her with anything. The last thing I said to her was that I was going to my real daddy's hometown to talk to figure out who I truly am.

"Answer my question!" He yelled. I instantly regretted my answer and mentally noted not to pull that again.

"I snuck it under my jacket. I sorry."

"I want this returned to the police station today and Ponyboy is going with you to make sure you do." He said handing me the folder.

"Fine." I said sighing. "Let's go Pony." I said shouting into his bedroom.

I put my empty bowl in the kitchen and the Ponyboy and I left the house and set out to the police station.

"Do you mind not telling Darry something?" He asked looking at me willingly.

"What did you do?" I asked jokingly.

"It's not that. I met this girl and I am supposed to meet her in the park. I'll leave you alone to go to the police station and meet you back here at 11:30 if that's alright."

"Sure." I said with a spike of jealousy. I kind of liked Ponyboy. Thinking my jealousy might be me crushing on him, I kept on my journey.

Arriving at the police station, I take a deep breath and go in. I make my way to the back of the station to the office I was in yesterday.

A note stuck to the door read: Daphne, I am away on a classified case. Please let yourself into my office and set the folder on my desk.

I followed the instructions and walked to the town's cemetery, knowing I have time to kill. Surprisingly I stumbled upon my dad's grave. It wasn't much, just a headstone that had his name and dates engraved in it.

"Daddy, I wish you were here." I said falling to me knees. "I wish I could have known you." Warm streams of tears fall down my cheeks, soon they turn into sobs. "Your dangerous to everyone else, but you seem harmless to me." I could barely understand the words coming out of my own mouth from not being able to cry and breath at the same time. "I never knew my mother and you're all I have left. I just want to know you for myself, not for what other people think of you. Make this a dream please, daddy. Please make this all a dream." I stood up and started to walk away, hoping no one saw me.

A stick snapped near by. Chills sent down my spine. I wiped away my tears and started to see someone slinking towards me. It was Randy.

"Hey, babe. How's the greaser life going?" He said dropping a flask. I knew he was drunk. He drank a lot since his father died. I feel his pain and often I wonder if drinking numbs it.

"Get away, Randy." This is the first time I've seen his without his other two musketeers.

"Come on, babe." He said grabbing me by my waist.

"No, Randy." I pushed him. With no effort, he pushed me to the ground and sat on my stomach, straddling his legs on either side of me. His arms held down my arms. Soon his two drunk buddies appeared.

"Well, don't just stare at me. Hold her arms down."

I fought but it was no use. Randy flipped out a switchblade.

"I'm gonna get back at you for this, baby." He cut open his pants and showed off his small scar. Flashbacks appeared in my head.

"No, Randy. You'll regret what you're doing."

"Nah, baby. We will all laugh about this someday. I don't know what your crying about. Your father was a criminal and your mother was a...slut. She slept with everyone in town, including me." He replied. His hands were shaking and I could tell he was dizzy. He made me sick. He wiped the tears from my face.

"This is for," I screamed as he carved into my arm. "Ruining my pants."

"This is for," Yelping for help, blood drizzled down my other arms as he carved into that one as well. "Being a greaser."

"And this is for," I couldn't feel my fingertips and I was getting drowsy. "Rejecting me." He cut both of my legs open very deep. I was losing consciousness when I saw a familiar face.

"Kal?" I whispered faintly. She was kicking Randy in the head. "Kal?" All I saw anymore was blackness. Randy's comment about my parents rung in my head, until all I could hear and feel was nothingness just black.


A bright light woke me up.

"Munch!" Ponyboy and Kal said in unison.

"Kal? What are you doing here?" I said almost unable to speak.

"," she scratched the back of her head, "followed you here."

"Oh my Lord." I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Doc says you'll be outta here by tomorrow night." Darry said walking towards my bed side.

"That's good. I hate hospitals." I responded. "I know I just woke up, but I'm still really tired, so good night guys." Everyone but Darry sighed and said good bye. Darry remained in the room while the others left.

"You had me worried, kid. I hope you returned that folder." He said.

"I did, don't worry."

"Alright, good night, Munch."

"Good night, Darry." Before he left the room I said. "I love you...I mean like a brother."

"I love you, too, Munch. Like a sister." He replied smiling.

Although today was a great day, I hope tomorrow is better.

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