Chapter 9: I Love You

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Back to Munch's Point of View

"Ponyboy! Ponyboy, wake up!"

"What Munch?" He hazely rolled himself out of the sheets.

"Someone's here and it's almost time for lunch."

"No one is here, Munch."

"I think it's Sodapop."

"No way, Munch. Sodapop is not here."

"Ponyboy! Munch!" Sodapop was banging at the hotel room door.

I sprung out of bed and quickly dressed myself. I began frantically throwing hotel blankets and pillows on the floor, so it looks like I slept on the floor and Ponyboy slept in the bed.

"Ponyboy get in the bathroom and get dressed." I whispered.

The door swings open and Sodapop stood in the doorway. Ponyboy had, luckily, gotten in the bathroom before the door opened. Sodapop starts to walk in.

"What's going on in here?" He said in his slow tone.

"Nothing, Soda. I'm just trying to clean up this place. I slept on the floor, so I'm trying to pick up all of the blankets."

"Oh, that's nice. Look, Munch, there's something I need to tell you and Pony. Where is he by the way?"

"He's in the bathroom."

"What's the matter with you, Pony, letting a girl sleep on the floor?" Sodapop yelled through the bathroom door. He was grinning.

"Soda!" The bathroom door busted open and Ponyboy ran out and hugged Sodapop.

"Let's got get something to eat, I'm starving." Sodapop said while getting Ponyboy off of him.


Instead of Dairy Queen, we found this family owned diner that was delicious.

"That was some good grub, wasn't it, Pony?"

"It was. I've really missed you Soda."

"That reminds me. I'm here to tell you something. Kal and Darry have been seeing each other for years now. I caught them smooching in the kitchen. He lied to me, Pony, I couldn't stay in that house or else I was going to- to-"

"I understand, but Soda, what about no lying or keeping secrets? That was Darry's idea to keep."

"I don't know, but that's what I said when I found out." Sodapop said while shaking his head. It felt a little bit like this was all my fault.

"I'm ready to go back home, Pony."

"Are you sure?" This time Sodapop was concerned for me.

"More than sure. We can probably make it home before sunset."

"We could watch the sunset on the way." Ponyboy said looking up from his feet.

"Only if I'm in your arms."

"Can you two hold the mushy gushy stuff, just until we get home?" Ponyboy and I agreed almost in unison. Sometimes it was tiring being the only girl greaser, but at this moment I felt the exact opposite.


We arrived at home right before sunset. Sodapop went on home, but Ponyboy and I stayed in the lot for the sunset. It had the best view.

"I didn't think I could make it all the way home without kissing you, Munch."

"I feel the same way." We kissed and held hands in silence. It always felt like his hands were made perfectly to fit in mine.

"I love you, Munch."

"Damn it, Ponyboy."


"I wanted to be the first one to say it this time." Ponyboy's frightened frown turned into a big grin.

"Are you Ms. Anderson?" Ponyboy and I turn around to reveal a policeman professionally carrying a clipboard.

"Yes, sir, I am."

"I am here to give you your father's possessions which is given to you through his will."


"You will be receiving..." He read off of a clipboard. "His 1967 Mustang, wow that's the newest Mustang, his house, clothes, bank account, and his father's, your grandfather's, truck. Hm, this doesn't state what condition it's in or what kind the truck it is, how interesting. Anyways, it's all yours, Ms. Anderson."

"You're saying he left all his possessions to me."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ponyboy, do you know what this means?" The cops started walking away, he got into his car and left.

"Yeah, I know what it means." He took a heavy sigh and got instantly angry. "It means you're going to become a Soc and not want me anymore." He stood up to leave me sitting there.

"That's not true."

"That's what is going to happen, Munch. You got a house, car, and money, so you don't need us anymore."

"I love you, Ponyboy, and I'll never stop loving you or never stop needing you."

"You mean it?"

"More than I've ever meant something in my entire life." I sprung up and hugged him tight, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Let's get home, I'm cold." I said while rubbing my bare arms.

"Here." Ponyboy took off his sweatshirt and put it around me.

"You don't have to, Pony. You're going to freeze to death."

"If it means helping you, then I don't care what happens to me." What Ponyboy said warmed my heart and made me smile awkwardly.

Before I knew it we were a block from the Curtis household when we see flashing lights and heard police sirens.

"Why are the fuzz at my house?"

"I don't know, Ponyboy." Dropping our smiles, we began running to the house.

Sodapop was standing in the lawn.

"What happened, Sodapop?" I asked, knowing Ponyboy was utterly speechless.

"They don't know. The neighbors called 9-1-1 on account of a noise complaint. When the fuzz showed up no one was here. They are investigating and found blood." Evidently Sodapop was speechless too, because a neighbor of the Curtis' stated that.

"Sodapop, what happened?" He just stared at me with hollow eyes.

"I-I heard a scream and a g-gun and sir-rens."

"You don't know what happened?" I asked gently.


"We found a body!" A policeman said. "Male, age 26, name is Darrel Curtis."

Darry rolled by on a small bed. He was alive but blood was coming out of his side and his arm was sliced open.

"Darry!" I screamed following the bed with him on it while dragging Ponyboy behind me. Sodapop still stood there staring at the house. I cared more about Darry than I did my sister, but I still wonder where she is and if she's alive.

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