Searching for the golden egg

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"Where are you going exactly?"

"For a walk,"

"Chloe you got out of bed barely an hour ago and before that you were out for a full day, I really don't think you should be doing this."

"Well I think I'll feel better with a walk," I say and march to the front door. Of course I'm not going for a walk exactly. But something similar. When I woke up the first thing I thought of was the dream I had. The dragon. The real reason I'm going out as you probably already guessed, was to try and get the egg. 

It sounds impossible. Obviously it would be kept under strict surveillance at all times but maybe, just maybe I might have a chance at getting it. I step outside and begin walking to the birthing center. Its not really called that, it also stores eggs. And I think thats where the egg is most likely to be.

I speed up and arrive at the building ten minutes later. I take a deep breath and walk inside. I was in here only 2 days ago but it seems like a lifetime. The same woman is sitting behind the reception desk writing notes. I walk up to her. I don't even know exactly what I'm going to say to her, but I at least have to try.

She looks up as I approach her. She smiles at me automatically.

"Hello again sweets." She says pleasantly.

I give her a smile and ask, "Do you by any chance know where the golden dragon egg is being kept?"

She frowns a little, "Well I definitely know that its under strict surveillance, but I don't know where exactly. Why do you want to know?"

"No reason, is there somebody I could speak to who knows where it is?"

"Possibly the Pope," She answered, "He knows everything about the eggs and I think he would definitely know where it is."

"Alright, thank you." I say and walk out. The church, the logical place to find the Pope. I'm on a mission, a mission to find this egg and find out if i'm really just a human. I walked quickly, thinking of all the possibilities of what might happen if I do find the dragon egg. Do I just talk to it? Will it talk to me? Everything was so confusing. 

I soon arrived at the church. I remembered coming in here during the ceremony around a week ago. I pushed the doors open and walked in. It was empty. Walking forward towards the altar I looked around at all the beautiful windows and paintings. I wasn't religious but it was still a fantastic building.

I didn't hear anyone else walk in and I certainly wasn't expecting anyone else to be here. And as you can imagine it was quite and shock to hear somebody speak.

"Hello child." 

I spun around and saw the Pope standing a few feet away. "What brings you here on this fine day?" He asked me.

"Uh," I said, it suddenly occurred to me how nervous I was. This could all go wrong and they probably wouldn't even let me see the egg, but still I had to try. "I was wondering, do you know where the golden dragon egg is kept?"

He looked at me for a second as if deciding whether to answer or not but in the end he decided to speak, "In a safe place," He said.

"Could I see it?"

"Now why would a young girl like you need to see the egg?"

I hesitated, "Well. I don't know if its a coincidence but do you remember during the festival when we all had to choose our eggs?"

He nodded, as if encouraging me to go on.

"Well ever since the egg was laid I kept hearing somebody talking to me, during the announcement it even told me to come and get it off the stage. I know it probably sounds like i'm making everything up but I swear this is all true." I after I've finished I stood there watching him. He simply looked as if he was lost in thought. 

Eventually he said, "Follow me." And began walking to one of the side doors out of the church. I followed him. He led me outside and through some side streets. After 5 minutes of walking I began to doubt my decision of following him but then we walked up to another building and went inside. As soon as we stepped into the room I began to hear whispering. Then I realized that he was taking me to the egg!

"Well we are here." He said stopping. "Through that door is where the egg is kept, if you hear it calling to you make sure to tell me. Maybe we do have our rider after all." He smiled and I felt happiness spread through me. I opened the door and looked inside. It was a normal room, with small podiums holding eggs. There weren't too many because eggs are only laid before the ceremony. 

I then saw it. It was on a podium of its own. Illuminated by the sunlight. I walked up to it carefully. The whispering grew louder.

Chloe, you came.

I didn't jump this time because a part of me was expecting this to happen.

Take me home.

"Um, sir?" I said to the Pope, who was standing in the doorway watching me, "Its talking. I can hear it inside my head." There were butterflies in my stomach but they were so violent they may as well have been birds flying around my insides. I was nervous but excited too.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly. I nodded, hardly able to contain my excitement.

"Well if you're not lying, I think it would be safe to say that you are the rider."

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