Aeron's injury

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Ducking out of the way of more arrows Chloe grabbed Emma and Eve's hands and began dragging them to where their dragons were.

"What are you trying to do? Kill our dragons?" Emma nearly yelled avoiding a shower of arrows.

"No, we need to fly to the roof!" She yelled.

"The arrows'll hit our dragons!" Eve yelled, "I am not putting Snowflake in danger."

"We'll split up, and fly up really high, that way they wont be able to see them and we'll have the element of a surprise attack." Chloe panted. They slid down a steep hill and out of sight of the fortress. Chloe could see their dragons in the distance.

"Let me just say I think us just going there head on was really stupid." Eve said.

"Yup," Emma agreed.

"Lets forget about that, what do you guys think of my idea?"

"Alright here is what I think, I actually mentioned this before. WE ARE NOT FIGHTERS." Emma said really loudly pronouncing each word clearly. "OUR OPTIONS ARE TO RUN, HIDE OR-"

"I get it!" Chloe said cutting her off.

"Die," Eve finished. Chloe rolled her eyes. She looked back at the tower and realised with a jolt that they stopped firing at them because their attention was now on Vivi who was thrashing around trying to break free. A second later she bit through the ropes tying her up, extended her wings and jumped off the balcony. Her first few seconds in the air were very shaky and it was clear that she was not comfortable with the seat on her back but after a while she steadied herself and shot towards them. 

At that second they saw Snowflake and Aeron coming up behind them but before they could do anything the dragons spread their wings and flew towards the tower. Trying to block their riders from a new shower of arrows. Emma tried to run forward but Chloe and Eve grabbed her and began dragging her back. When Vivi landed next to them they all climbed onto her back and she took them into the forest away from the battle.

Carefully landing near a small stream in the forest the riders dismounted while Vivi rolled over and lay on her back with her legs in the air. Chloe ran forward and hugged her.

I though I would never see you again! I'm so sorry I let this happen to you!

Don't worry about it, we managed to escape.

What about Snowflake and Aeron?

Vivi didn't say anything to that but instead rolled onto her legs and motioned towards the saddle on her back.

You want me to take it off?

She nodded. While Chloe began undoing the straps she could hear Emma and Eve freaking out in the background. Emma was pacing around them trying not to panic while Eve was holding back tears. it was obvious why they were so worried, their dragons were in danger.

"Do you think that they will be able to find us again?" Eve asked between sobs.

"Yes, yes." Emma said, looking unnaturally pale.

"Well we can't simply wait here and hope they come to us. We need to go and find them. Vivi can you take us back there?" Eve asked turning in their direction. Chloe, who was still undoing the straps, looked over at Vivi, who in return, simply shook her head and looked away.

Eve turned around and was going to sit down but then she saw two black spots in the sky, moving towards them. When the shapes got closer everyone realised that it was actually Snowflake, with Aeron flying behind her. The dragons landed gently next to Vivi and while Snowflake was uninjured, Aeron had a massive gash in his stomach and was losing a lot of blood.

As soon as she saw him, Emma ran to him and hugged his neck. She began sobbing. Aeron lay down and closed his eyes, his breathing slowing. No one else knew what to do, they had no medicine or anything, but Eve began walking around searching for something to stop the blood.

 Eventually she managed to find some leaves which she washed in the stream and began washing the wound. 

It looked as if an arrow pierced his stomach.

"Snowflake says that an arrow hit him but that he managed to pull it out as they were flying away." Eve said. "We need to get him back home,"

Chloe said nothing. She couldn't hep feeling like this was somehow her fault, and that if they never went to find Vivi that Aeron would be ok. Sure they got her dragon back but what good was it if they lost one in the process?

How did you disappear?

I was taken.

By whom?

By him.

Who is he?

He has a vicious dragon, and he whipped her when she didn't behave. He smuggled me out of the garden in the middle of the night. 

Your captor? Was that fortress his?

Yes, he has a lot of servants and guards. He wanted me for himself, and he would abandon his own dragon if he had to.

What is his name?


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