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Chloe did not sleep for hours after they stayed in the cave. Eve and Sam were fast asleep along with the dragons. But no matter how hard she tried, Chloe could not fall asleep. After lying awake for a while she got up and sat on the rocks looking out at the forest. The moon was shining in the sky illuminating a small pool of water at the bottom of the mountain. Chloe closed her eyes and leaned her head against the rocks. Thoughts of her sister were swirling through her brain and no matter how hard she tried she could not get rid of the sick feeling in her stomach that she was not going to get to her in time to help Aeron.

Once again she felt really guilty for dragging them all into this mess. Because she wanted to get Vivi back so badly her sisters's dragon got hurt, their village was attacked and her family was missing. It all looped back to her.

Chloe must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes it was daytime and everybody else was awake. Picking herself up off the ground she stretched her arms and yawned.

"Good morning," Eve said with a smile. Despite the situation everybody seemed to be in a good mood. It was weird.

"Hi," Chloe said walking up to Vivi, who was lying on her back with her legs in the air.

I don't think that is how dragons are supposed to behave.

Shhhhhhh, I think I can hear water.

Shaking her head Chloe picked up the saddle she took off Vivi the night before and asked her if she could put it on her back. Vivi turned and stood on her legs letting Chloe wrap it around her. Snowflake was already saddled up and Eve was standing next to her waiting for Chloe and Vivi. Sam was simply standing at the mouth of the cave and staring into the distance as if lost in thought. 

Finishing with the saddle Chloe and Vivi walked up to Eve and Snowflake.

"Come on Sam," Eve said mounting Snowflake while Chloe did the same. He walked over and climbed on Snowflake's back.

"So where do we go?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know exactly, but I saw people go behind these mountains. Wherever they are I don't think they would go far from the village." He answered.

"Alright then, the best we can do is go in the general direction and hope we get lucky," Eve said, "Lets go!" Snowflake then moved forward and jumped out of the cave, plummeting towards the ground. Chloe could hear her cheering and smiled to herself. Her friend loved diving, or basically doing anything dangerous.

Do you want to try it? Vivi asked her.


Hold on. Vivi walked to the edge and looked down. For once Chloe finally appreciated how far down everything was. Vivi, without any warning, jumped down. Chloe screamed as they shot down. At the last moment Vivi spread her wings and they pulled out with a perfect dive. 

"Having fun?" Eve asked coming up next to her. Chloe grinned and turned left.

"We need to go past the mountains," She yelled to Eve, who didn't say anything but just nodded to show that she heard her. Vivi put on an extra burst of speed and they soared over the jagged rocks. Forgetting her worries, Chloe finally smiled and actually enjoyed herself. With so many things happening over the last few days she did not think that she took the time to appreciate having her dragon back.

Passing the mountains she saw a beautiful, blue river with a huge forest behind it. Slowing down to admire the view she noticed a small tent on the other bank. 

Can you go a bit lower, I think I see something.


Vivi began descending and the lower they got the more Chloe saw. This included a water serpent coming out of the water onto the sand. 

"Eve," Chloe called turning around in her seat, "Do you see this?"

"Yeah," Eve called, "I can see people."

Turning back Chloe realised she was right, there were people, and dragons. Vivi, being careful not to land in the middle of the camp, gently landed on the sand. Snowflake landed behind her, narrowly missing Vivi's tail. Hopping off her dragon's back, Chloe was greeted by a huge crowd of people who gathered around to see who they were.

One of the people recognised her and called into the crowd, "Can someone get Linda?" 

 Chloe looked towards the voice, whoever it was they just said her mother's name. Eve was looking at the crowd as well, hoping to spot her parents. Suddenly they noticed somebody trying to fight her way to the front of the crowd. It was Chloe's mother.

"Chloe," She exclaimed and rushed to hug her. Chloe's eyes filled with tears as she flung her hands around her mother's neck. It seemed insane that she managed to find her so quickly. Everything seemed so easy but difficult at the same time. 

"Where were you?" Her mother asked her letting go of Chloe. Her facial expression was hard and she looked as if she couldn't decide whether to be angry or happy. 

"Um," Chloe said looking at Eve who was standing next to her with a sheepish expression. "Its kind of long story," She finished with a small grin. 

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