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Are we going now? Are we? Are we?

Yes calm down. I have to eat.

No you don't.

You may have had breakfast but I haven't, so sit still for a bit  and we'll go in ten minutes.


I picked up my bowl of cereal and put it on the table. Vivi jumped onto the table and lay down.


She did something that may have resembled a smile. I sighed and began eating. I could feel her watching me but I didn't care. What mattered was if my mom and sister cared.

"Can you please tell her to get of the dinner table?" Mom asked as she came downstairs.

"She can hear you but alright," I said, can you please get off the table, mom is mad.

Sure. Vivi jumped off and lay down under my chair.

Sure that works too.

"So Chloe, what are you going to do today?" Mom asked.

"I was thinking of taking her to the park and teaching her to fly. There is a special training course and I think that she might like it."

"You know honey, I know that she matures very fast, almost three times as fast as a normal dragon. But I don't know if she's ready to start flying yet. She is only a week and a half."

"Hmm," I thought about it. She was right. Maybe Vivi was too young to fly.

Don't think like that, look at my wings. I can fly.

I looked at her, she was pretty big. I couldn't pick her up anymore.

I'll take you to the park and see how much you can do. But I won't pressure you to fly.


"I'm going to take her to the park anyway to see how much she can do. We'll be back in an hour." I said to mom.

"Alright, be safe." She said.

"Safe is my middle name." I said with a grin. I got up and went to the front door, Vivi followed me. I opened the door and let her out.

I think you're big enough to live in the stable now. You'll jut make a mess of the house. 

What? No!

Yes, its a nice stable. It has everything you need.

But I'll be all alone!

No you won't, you'll have Aeron.

Who is Aeron?

Emma's dragon.

Is he nice?



I continued walking with Vivi following me. We went to the park a lot because it was a nice place to be, and it had a training course which Vivi should do. When we reached the park I immediately led her over to the course. It looked like a playground, but it was an obstacle course for dragons, and was situated above the ground. I motioned for her to get on. She sunk her caws and teeth into the ladder and began climbing. When she got to the very top she just looked at me then tore off to do the obstacle course. I couldn't see her because she was going so fast. At the very end there was a ledge around 2 meters off the ground and she had to fly off. Vivi stopped at the edge and stared at the ground.

Come on you can do it.

I'm scared.

If you fall, I'll catch you.

What if you don't.

Then nothing bad will happen to you, its literally 2 meters off the ground, you won't hurt yourself.

She didn't respond but I could tell she was encouraging herself to jump. Then she backed up a little then ran up to the edge and jumped off. For a second it was as if time stood still then everything began moving again and she just hung there. In mid air. Flapping her wings.

Oh my god you're doing it!

Ughh, Chloe.


I don't know how to move.

I laughed and she glared at me. She tried to fly forward and moved by an inch.

Ok I think that's enough flying for today.

I'll fly home.

You don't even know how to move around yet.

I'll learn.

I have to say I was proud of her. The way she just kept on working for her goal was amazing. She just never gave up. 

Ok come on.

The Golden Dragon RiderWhere stories live. Discover now