Sam's dragon

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Up ahead there was a castle. If they thought the fortress was big then they had nothing on this. It was around three times the size and surrounded by high walls. The dragons flew over them and began to descent into the huge courtyard. Chloe, Eve and Sam watched from afar. Ducking behind rocks which covered the landscape for miles around they all turned to face each other.

"Well we found where they're coming from," Chloe said, "What do we do now?"

"I say we leave, what are we even going to do?" Eve suggested, "Besides, its not like we can just go in there and kill the bad guy or whatever."

I agree, Vivi said silently.

"I say we get closer," Sam said. They all turned to look at him.

"Umm, why?" Chloe asked suspiciously.

"I want to just have a closer look, its not like I want to get in there or whatever." He said nervously avoiding their gaze. "This entire landscape is covered in rocks, they'll have trouble spotting us."

No they won't, Vivi said.

"No they won't," Chloe said echoing Vivi's words.

"Well you guys stay here, I want to get closer," He said and began to slowly make his way to the castle. The girls stared at him.

He's out of his mind.

But he's not going in.

Who knows if that's true, boys are very confusing creatures.


Meanwhile Sam inched closer and closer to the wall. Looking back he saw the girls watching him. He wanted them to stop. He wasn't going to get in if they kept staring at him.

"What do you think he wants to find?" Eve asked Chloe as Sam got further and further away.

"I don't know, and why do you think he wants to find something."

"Why else would he need to get a closer look?"

Chloe looked at Vivi and saw that her gaze was focused on Sam. Her eyes narrowed.

I knew it.


He wants to get in.

Why do you think that?

You see the way he's looking at the walls, he wants to find a way in.

Its none of our business.

I though you would care more.

"Are you guys talking about something?" Eve asked.

"Yes," Chloe said, "Vivi thinks that Sam wants to get in the castle."


"I don't know."

He's gone.


Wheeling her gaze around Chloe had to admit that Vivi was right, Sam was gone. 

"Where is he?" Eve asked as if reading her mind.

"I don't know, but I'm going to get a closer look." She said and began making her way to where Sam just was. Eve, after Chloe ignored her warnings, decided to follow her. Turning to the dragons she said,

"You guys need to stay here, if something happens to us get help. Don't be seen, we'll be back." 

The dragons looked unhappy and Snowflake was urging her not to go but, turning around Eve began to follow Chloe. When they were a few meters from the wall, the place where Chloe put her foot gave in and she fell. Scrambling to where Chloe was seconds before, Eve saw a huge hole in the ground with Chloe at the bottom. 

"Chloe," She called quietly, "Are you ok?"

"Yes, you need to come down here," Chloe said after she looked around, "I think this is a passage."


"It might lead under the castle wall."

Looking around to make sure nobody saw her, Eve carefully began to lower herself into the hole. After she was out of sight she jumped down and landed next to Chloe. They began to walk in the direction of the castle, not saying a word. Torches on both sides of the wall lit up the tunnel as they went along and only stopped when they reached a door. Chloe went to open it but Eve held her back. There were voices talking on the other side.

Placing her left ear against the door Chloe strained to hear what was being said.


Sam quietly opened the door and stepped through. The room was empty as usual. To the left of the door was a bookshelf, moved aside just before his arrival. Grasping it by the side he began to pull it back in front of the door to the passage, nobody else knew about it except him and Serin. Hearing a growl on the other side of the room he turned sharply and saw a pair or purple eyes staring at him from the shadows. 

"Who's there?" he asked, fearing he already knew the dragon. Lucia walked forward and stopped in front of him. 

"Lucia," He said nervously, "Don't tell anyone about this, alright?" Lucia growled and motioned towards the door out of the room.

"No," Sam said, he wasn't going to let her push him around anymore. She growled again.

"You know why I'm here, so please let me through and I'll be on my merry way once I find him."

Lucia shook her head sadly, she would be punished if anything happened to Serin.

"Did you move the bookshelf?" He asked her. She shook her head again. "Lucia," He said walking forward, "You know how important this is to me," She looked at him sadly.

"Will you help me?"

She nodded.

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