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You guyssssssssssssssssss.

Ohmygod. So I was re-reading the last chapter with the song in the background and holy shit I got so fucking emotional. These two books will be forever two of my favorites out of all my books. You guys are the best fans/followers in the world and I thank you all so much for commenting and being there for me when:

-I had writer's block every other day

-I went on vacation

-I broke my laptop... twice

-I was going through really bad stages in my life ((still going through but One Direction and writing help me escape that for a while)) 

I do have a Niall and Harry book in process and I might or might not be re-posting The Great Styles sometimes either this fall or winter.

I will keep you updated for when each book get's posted.

Thank you guys so much.

-Cheyenne xx

P.S. Talk to me on twitter @idkzourry and tumblr and of course on here :)

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