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Choi Youngjae walked into the fancy restaurant Mr. Im had texted him about. He was ten minutes early but he still knew that Jaebum would be there already. And not because of the tracker he had set on the older guy's phone but because he just sensed it.

"Over here!" a yell came from the other side of the restaurant. Youngjae felt little anxious looking around at the restaurant. It looked like a place he could never afford and he hoped that Jaebum was going to treat. If not, he would be in trouble.

"Meet my girlfriend Krystal", Jaebum introduced the woman next to him.

"Nice to meet you", Youngjae managed to get a fake smile on his face. After while of staring at her face even Youngjae could say that she was beautiful. But not as beautiful as Jaebum of course.

"She is an idol", Jaebum explained.

"Oh, that must be why you don't have any pictures together on Instagram", Youngjae tried to make up some kind of conversation.

"Umm... I have a private account."

Shit why did I have to try small talk, Youngjae cursed in his mind thinking something smart to say. "That must be the reason then."

"Why won't we order something", Krystal interrupted the awkwardness between them.

"Sure", Youngjae started looking at the menu, trying his best to get his mind away from Jaebum. His boss had styled his hair upwards like always and he was wearing a white dress shirt with a bow. His girlfriend was wearing an expensive looking, creme coloured dress and she also had diamond earrings and necklace. Youngjae felt extremely underdressed with them. He had the same clothes he used at work which were light blue button-up shirt and black jeans.


After one and half hour later Youngjae had finished his miniature sized meal that hadn't even tasted good. Totally not worth the prize. Seventy-five-thousand won had been the cheapest thing in the menu and it was still really overprized. Jaebum had been talking nonstop for the whole time. What made Youngjae really frustated and also kind of sad was that only things he heard was about Jaebum and Krystal. The word girlfriend had really annoying ring on it.

"- I had rented the Gangnam's biggest mall only for us. All the staff looked at really weirdly when we walked around like we owned the place. I bought Krystal designer bags, shoes and what else babe?"

"Underwear", Krystal helped her boyfriend.

"Yes, we spent like an hour in Victoria's Secret. Guess what else we did."

Youngjae really didn't want to know but to be nice his boss he asked: "What?"

"We fucked in the dressing rooms."

"Jaebum", Krystal blushed. "You weren't supposed to tell that. Things like that can ruin my image."

"Don't worry babe. We can trust Youngjae. He is our best hacker."

Youngjae let out an awkward laugh. He was getting really jealous. He wanted to be the one Jaebum spoiled and rented a whole mall for. He wanted to be the one fucking him in the dressing rooms and his office and his car and... His thoughts ran away of the situation when he started to think about himself naked on top of Mr. Im's fancy sports car and the handsome male on top of him, eating him out.

"I think is time for us to go", Krystal interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Yes", Jaebum started to dig out his pockets and pulled hundred dollar bill, giving it to Youngjae. "Pay our meals with this. See you tomorrow at work."

After that Jaebum left with his beautiful girlfriend and Youngjae was left sitting there with the money on his hand. He looked at the empty plates. The money Jaebum gave him wouldn't be enough. Two others had ordered the most expensive things on the menu so their total had to be over four-hundred-thousand won. With the few thousands he had on his credit card, he wouldn't be able to pay even his own meal.

"Bastard", Youngjae muttered and placed the bill on the table. He was getting nervous and starting to sweat. He had never done anything illegal in his life if downloading porn didn't count.

"Can I have the check?" Youngjae yelled. "Mr. Im is going to pay it", he finished, stood up, grabbed his jacket and left the almost empty restaurant as soon as he could.


jaebum is a dick but he is hot af tho

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